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Why does Invisalign make perfect sense for adults?

Why does Invisalign make perfect sense for adults?

When you're old enough to treat misaligned or crooked teeth, there's always the option to get braces. However, it may make more sense if you ask an orthodontist if Invisalign in Rancho Mission Viejo is the right option for your situation. If a too-close-for-comfort approach doesn't matter much to you, or if braces just aren't your thing, Invisalign might be perfect.

Difference between Invisalign and braces

If you have crowded teeth or crooked incisors, aligners may make more sense than a traditional set of braces. The main difference is that Overlay Braces are made of clear plastic that can be seen through and colored to match your teeth. This makes it possible for patients to take care of their teeth at home and show off their actual pearly whites.

Advantages of going for Invisalign in Laguna Niguel

Better flexibility

As with braces, the Invisalign aligners are removable. Though you can remove them to eat, brush teeth or even exercise, you have to wear them most of the time. According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), Invisalign can correct anything from slight misalignment (such as a slight shift in your bite) to more complex issues like crowding or gaps between teeth.

Better outcomes

Invisalign started with the goal of correcting orthodontic issues in a virtually invisible way. Overlay braces have been around for decades, and even though patients find them less noticeable than traditional braces, they are still clear. The good thing is that in most cases, people are able to notice a difference right at the first appointment. A major advantage of Invisalign in Laguna Niguel is that it can get you better outcomes than traditional braces.

More convenience

Because they are removable, there is no need to sacrifice sleep. Overlay braces require you to wear them at night and do certain exercises. With Invisalign, you can take your aligners out as much as you want. This freedom to put on or remove the trays makes it a big USP for patients looking to compare Invisalign and braces.

Better oral hygiene

Overlay braces will always require more attention to oral hygiene. Invisalign, on the other hand, allows you to take care of your teeth at home like normal. The removable trays are easy and convenient to keep clean and free of germs. You don't have to worry about wearing them during meals or brushing your teeth.

To conclude

We have seen the numerous ways Invisalign adds value to the teeth straightening objective of a person. Check with an expert to know if Invisalign in Rancho Mission Viejo is right for you. We will help you go for effective treatment for all types of dental problems that you or your family members may face.

Jacob Martin is the author of this article. To know more about Best Orthodontist in San Juan Capistrano please visit our website: laderaortho.com

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