It’s a lot easier to maintain that routine and not procrastinate whereas if you have a novel stimuli, just studying at a new place every day or you're working with different people, it's harder to get in the groove and to maintain that illustration essay writing expert online long-term, at least for me. But again, figure out what works best for you. Number three; obtaining the information. Generally, this is gonna be done in two ways as a pre-made, the first is lecture and the second is textbooks. And when it comes to lecture, I did what most of us do, go to lecture, pressures of standing in the front and they read off the PowerPoint and then we're sitting in the lecture hall, we have our laptops out, we have the PowerPoint open and same slide and we're just taking notes in the comment section. I do not think this was a very effective way to learn. A few things to consider, first, should you be writing or should you be typing? Figure out what works best for you.
Typing is faster, which sounds great initially but if you type faster, you can copy verbatim what the professor is saying which is a very passive process. By writing, you generally write slower, you have to emphasize the important online admission essay writing in UK information and organize it. And there have actually been studies showing that writing - writing out notes results in improved recall. Second; are you going to the lecture hall or are you listening to the podcast? A lot of classes now offer podcast and for me, this works best. By going to the lecture hall, there are distinct advantages though; you have a set routine and you're surrounded by other people trying to learn the information. You can ask questions but on the other hand, a podcast gives you the flexibility to watch whenever you want to, just to make sure you're well-rested, you're not sleepy. You can also wash it at increased speed, so 1.5 two times speed. That benefits you in two ways, one; the lecture is no longer 60 minutes, now it's only 30 to 45 minutes and also it can help you focus. For me at least, the lecturer could speak too slow sometimes and this would result in my mind wandering,
So by increasing the speed, I was forced to pay attention. But again, figure out what works best for you. The podcast really requires a lot of discipline to stay up to speed; otherwise you will fall behind if you start procrastinating, in that case, stick with the lecture hall. I've seen a lot of people rewash the lectures or they'll record with like a recording device and the lecture and then listen to that later. This is a complete waste of time, do not do it! You can better use your time reviewing the information, organizing it, doing active learning or going to office hours and asking questions. Do not re-watch the lectures, do not re-listen, that's not a good use at your time. When it comes to textbooks, what I did is just highlight the textbook. I don't think that's the best way to do it. Instead, I think try to make it as active as you can.