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4 ways to keep pest control technicians safe

Eworks Manager
4 ways to keep pest control technicians safe

Without the correct safety measures, pest control can be a dangerous job. The chemicals technicians use to eradicate pests can be harmful, causing skin irritation, headaches, dizziness, chest pain, blurred vision, and nausea. Long-term exposure to pesticides can lead to brain damage, respiratory tract disorders, skin conditions and organ failure. As a pest control business owner, you must do everything you can to protect your team's health and safety. We've put together four ways you can keep your technicians safe in the field. 


Protect technicians against respiratory hazards

When pesticides are being used, your technicians should always wear respirators. The respiratory system is the quickest route of entry into the circulatory system, so respiratory protection is essential to stop toxic chemicals from entering the body. Respirators protect workers from inhaling gases, fumes, vapours, and gases that may harm their health. Before a technician uses a respirator, a fit test should be done to ensure that the device fits properly. A fit test guarantees maximum protection by ensuring that the respirator provides a secure seal. When the respirator seals to the skin, air can only pass through the device's filter.


Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

In addition to respirators, your technicians will need the correct PPE for the job. The PPE required will depend on the hazards or risks of the work. Because of the hazardous chemicals used in the industry, pest control businesses typically use equipment that will protect workers' skin, eyes, head, hands, and feet. Besides protecting workers from dangerous chemicals, PPE should also be used to prevent trips and falls and protect them from falling objects which could cause injuries. Some of the items pest control companies use include gloves, goggles, safety boots, safety helmets, and protective clothing. It’s also important to implement a PPE maintenance plan to identify equipment that needs to be repaired or replaced to keep protective gear in good condition.


Offer safety training and refresher courses

Practical safety training will prepare your technicians for emergencies, giving them the knowledge required to manage injuries or dangerous situations. Safety training can reduce the number of accidents on-site and minimise damage to equipment and machinery, creating a safer work environment. Training should cover topics like first aid, a guide to using PPE, what technicians should do if they're exposed to chemicals, and the procedure to follow if a team member is injured. Refresher courses can also promote safety by reducing mistakes on-site, which could lead to accidents. You can use the courses to identify knowledge gaps and provide extra training to improve specific skills. Refresher training can improve technicians' long-term memory, helping them retain essential knowledge and information.


Introduce mandatory safety questionnaires

While PPE is essential, it should be the last line of defence in the field. As an employer, you must ensure that every measure has been taken to eliminate or control hazards. To mitigate risks on-site, you can introduce safety questionnaires that workers must complete before entering a job site or starting a new job. You can use Pest Control Software to create mobile questionnaires that technicians can complete on-site. Once a questionnaire has been completed, the information will be stored securely on a cloud-based system, which your admin team can access immediately. The questionnaire can confirm that every technician has the correct PPE, and the right tools for the job, and identify any hazards that could pose a threat to your team’s health and safety.

Eworks Manager
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