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Artificial Ivy: 11 Amazing Ways You Should Decorate Your Home or Garden

Design Vertical Gardens
Artificial Ivy: 11 Amazing Ways You Should Decorate Your Home or Garden

What is Artificial Ivy?

Artificial Ivy, also known as artificial Virginia creeper, is a brilliant alternative to its natural counterpart. Whilst this synthetic plant can be used in the same way as natural ivy, it is much simpler to take care of, and is far easier to clean. Further, and most importantly it will not take over, or destroy your brickwork or other plants!

The best part about artificial ivy is its extreme versatility. You can hang it from a roof, pole, railing or pretty much any surface you can imagine.

With so many benefits, why shouldn't homeowners go for artificial plants?

Let's dive into the Amazing Ways You Should Decorate Your Home or Garden with Artificial Ivy.

Create a Feature Wall

Add a stunning green ivy vertical garden to your home or office space in minutes. It will change the ambience, look and vibe of your wall.

As an Indoor Plant

Use artificial ivy garland to liven up any space and beautify your windows or shelves. You will be surprised how beautiful artificial ivy garland can be as an indoor plant to decorate your windows and shelves simply by trailing it along with the window sill.

As a privacy fence

A dense and lush artificial ivy roll will turn your very own fence into a stunning evergreen wall that looks lush every day of the year. You will be able to enjoy instant privacy for yourself and your family.

Artificial Ivy, A Must-Have Flower Arrangement

The Artificial Ivies are perfect for adding splashing colours to any type of décor. Now it's easier than ever to make a big impact on kitchen and bath décor, instantly turning an ordinary room into a work of art.

Can be used as wreaths, to give a festive look for any occasion

Artificial ivy is great because of its durability, ability to be assembled and re-assembled, lightweight and other features.

Use Artificial Ivy in festive wreaths for your party, for your wedding aisle, or to give a warm look to your office space.

Can be used to balance out the colour in a room

Artificial ivy garlands can be used to bring a touch of colour to a dark corner, railing or post quickly and easily.

As a backdrop for a romantic feel

The artificial ivy hanging plants are a beautiful backdrop for weddings and events, or you can decorate your home with it. Hang some strands using push pins. You can also add some led lights for a romantic feel.

You can accessorize your house with artificial ivy and fake ivy rolls.

If your living room or dining room has a bit too much empty space, you can clear the area and add greenery. You can do this by purchasing a few rolls of artificial ivy and installing them on the wall to mimic the feel of real plants that live in your home.

Add them to your live plants in your garden

Ivy Rolls are one of the best ways to decorate your garden with plants and lush greenery. When mixed together with live plants it will create a realistic plant theme.

Hang Artificial Ivy Vines on your wall

Fake ivy vines create soft and beautiful effects that make a room look more colourful and warm. Since they are quite flexible, artificial vines are perfect for hanging on fences and railings to create a welcoming entrance, highlight windows or even decorate the porch area.

Unusual ways for beautification

There are also a multitude of other ways to use artificial ivy and we challenge you to give it a go and be creative! For inspiration, one of our clients recently used artificial ivy to camouflage and hide their rainwater tanks. Now it’s your turn.

Source: Artificial Ivy: 11 Amazing Ways You Should Decorate Your Home or Garden
Design Vertical Gardens
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