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How to transfer ETH from Ronin to Metamask Wallet

John Wilson
How to transfer ETH from Ronin to Metamask Wallet

There are a variety of ways to transfer your ETH from the Ronin wallet to the Metamask wallet. A simple way to do so would be to initiate the transfer directly from the Ronin bridge. The following steps will explain how to it step by step.

  • 1. Getting to the Ronin Bridge

Log in to “marketplace.axieinfinity.com”. It is important to make sure if the website is genuine because there are a couple of fake ones. At the top right corner of the page, there will be an option called “My Account”. Once you click on it, a new page will appear. On the left-hand side below, there will be an option “Ronin Withdrawal”. After clicking on this one, a pop-up will appear, where you will be able to see the Ronin withdrawal section where you can withdraw only in your Metamask wallet.

After that, you have to copy your Metamask wallet address on this page. The second and third options will be the ‘Asset’ and then the Amount. The asset will be ETH of course and you can select the amount of ETH to transfer accordingly.

  • 2. Check Ronin Withdrawal Gas Fees

Upon clicking on the ‘Next’ button, a pop-up will appear on screen, where directions to check the withdrawal fees will be given. The fees will depend upon the speed of the network. The faster the speed, the more expensive it is. Once the transaction is initiated, you cannot go back. So it is wise to check the fees before proceeding with the transaction.

  • 3. Approve Ronin Withdrawal to Metamask Wallet

Click on ‘I Understand’ after checking the fees and the next pop-up with ask you to confirm the transaction. The Ethereum wallet address will be given on-screen and once you check it’s right, then approve the transaction. There will be a pop-up that will ask you to be patient since you will be crossing over to Ether, and it requires some time (about 60 secs or so).

The next pop-up will ask you to confirm the transaction once again but through Metamask. You can simply click on your Metamask extension and check the details of the transaction and confirm it there. Once done, a pop-up will show you that the withdrawal is complete.

There will be an option called ‘View Etherscan’. Once you click on that, the Etherscan page will load up but it can take some time. Initially, it may not show the transaction details and may appear blank. However, refreshing the page will eventually load the details.

  • 4. Check Withdrawal Status

Go to your Metamask wallet now. The balance should reflect the additional ETH in your account. Also, check the Ronin account where the number of ETH will be less after the withdrawal. Therefore your transaction was completed successfully!

The usage of digital wallets have skyrocketed nowadays along with the increase in the number and types of digital assets in the market. Unfortunately, for the same reason, popular wallets such as Metamask and Ronin, are under constant threats from hackers. It is imperative to be extra careful before linking your wallet to a new website. If after connecting to a new website, it requests you to provide your seed phrase in a window similar to that of Metamask, it is most certainly a scam. Metamask never asks you to provide your seed phrase unless you are setting up a wallet in a new browser. Security is therefore one of the most important areas of focus among the better Web3 communities and platforms that are developing. It is vital to check and cross-check when it comes to protecting your digital assets.

John Wilson
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