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Quick Guide: How to wear socks with loafers?

Quick Guide: How to wear socks with loafers?

Loafers were initially used as casual footwear, but over the years, they have become quite versatile. Earlier, people paired it with jeans for a casual look, but now they are being used for more formal affairs. We will not discuss the usage of loafers over here, but how one should wear their custom socks. Read the following suggestions before wearing custom socks with logo with loafers.

General suggestions

Loafers were not created with a vision to pair them with socks. They were made for leisure, but people noticed that their comfort and appeal suits the professional settings also, which lead to the usage of custom socks with loafers. Generally, you should wear calf-length socks with loafers. If you wear it with a suit or trousers, consider wearing lengthier socks, like knee-high, which reduces the risk of the socks falling to the ankle.

For men

Men can wear custom socks that have neutral colors. If you pair your loafers with argyle, select a simpler pattern. Soft colors are preferred for men's ensembles. Try adding bold colors with other accessories, like colorful and patterned ties. You can customize socks as per your personality, do not be too vivid for a professional or a formal event.

For women

Women can use sheers, metallic, or creative colors and patterns, though white socks are always classic. Women can rely on floral prints as they represent a sophistication. They work because of the timelessness of the style. Women used to wear loafers for leisure activities, but now it is accepted as a dress shoe. When women wear suits or trousers, they should pair loafers with custom socks.

If you need custom socks for your loafer, remember to look for pairs that use an argyle pattern or blend and match your footwear or clothes.


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