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Eicher Pro Truck Models In India With Detailed Information

ushi gupta
Eicher Pro Truck Models In India With Detailed Information

The Eicher Pro truck models are one of the versatile trucks which are the perfect option for transportation. These trucks are the best choice for those customers who want an efficient truck for their business. The Eicher Pro trucks are well known for their performance and quality work in the commercial vehicle segment. These trucks are available with advanced features in the Indian trucking market, which can easily fill all the essential needs of your business. 

The engine of these truck models is regularly upgraded by the manufacturer, which provides superior mileage in the demanding works. In addition, the Eicher Pro series has a broad range of commercial vehicles, which consists of trucks, tippers and many more. 

Eicher Pro 6048 Truck

You can get 7700 CC engine capacity and VEDX8 CRS 7.7L type engine in this model. This truck comes with 6 engine cylinders and provides 260 HP engine power which is best for many works. The fuel tank of this model is 350 Litres, and it provides 80 Kmph of super-maximum speed. The Eicher Pro 6048 Truck price range is between Rs. 42.00 Lakhs* - Rs. 45.15 Lakhs*.

Eicher Pro 2055 Truck

This truck comes with 3 cylinders and E366 4 Valve 2 Litre CRS type engine that provides 100 HP engine power. It has hydraulic brakes with parking brakes that provide excellent grip on the road. The GVW of this truck is 6950 Kg, and it generates 285 @ 1250-2500 Nm of maximum torque. The price range of this model is  Rs. 12.98 Lakhs* - Rs. 14.72 Lakhs*.

For further information about trucks and their variants, prices, images and many more, please visit Truck Junction. 

ushi gupta
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