Clinical Psychologist Near Me
Who is a Clinical Psychologist?
- A clinical psychologist is an expert mental health psychologist. They have received highly specialized training in the assessment, diagnosis, formulation, and psychological treatment of emotional, behavioral, and mental health disorders throughout their lives.
- Clinical psychologists have advanced level of education and training in mental health.
- Clinical psychologist understand, prevent, and alleviate psychological problems whether mild, moderate, severe, chronic, or complex.
- General psychologists do not take advanced training to specialize practice.
- Dr Kashika Jain is Best Clinical Psychologist Nar me.
What does a Clinical Psychologist do?
- In the practice of clinical psychology, psychological evaluation, clinical formulation, diagnosis and psychotherapy are fundamental.
- A clinical psychologist can help to develop a treatment plan for stabilization or recovery.
- Clinical psychologists do not prescribe medicines instead they use psychological counselling and therapies.
- Clinical psychologists offer short-term and long-term services to those who need help coping with all forms of psychological distress.
Skills of a Clinical Psychologist?
Clinical psychologists have specific skills that includes:
- Understand the wide range of mental health problems and how they can occur at any age.
- A broad knowledge of the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.
- Psychological tests to assess problems and be more effective in understanding and treating those who suffer psychological distress.
- Consult with a variety of other health professionals and organizations about behavior, emotions, and severe mental distress.
- Be able to conduct research and collect data to improve understanding of clinical psychology.
Clinical Psychologist Job?
As part of their job, a clinical psychologist can:
- Help you to solve short term and long-term mental health condition.
- Provide lifestyle changes advice to manage psychological issues.
- Work with you individually or with you and your partner, family or caregivers.
- Provide advice to other mental health professionals.
What can a Clinical Psychologist Contribute?"
A clinical psychologist can provide and recommend a variety of treatments, including:
- Psychological therapy (psychotherapy or talk therapy)
- Psychological tests to better understand how it is working.
- Practical tips on eating, sleeping, exercising, and other ways to manage the side effects of mental health problems.
- Extract Information about your mental health condition, which can help you to understand your treatments.
What can a Clinical Psychologist Contribute?"
A clinical psychologist can provide and recommend a variety of treatments, including:
- Psychological therapy (psychotherapy or talk therapy)
- Psychological tests to better understand how it is working.
- Practical tips on eating, sleeping, exercising, and other ways to manage the side effects of mental health problems.
- Extract Information about your mental health condition, which can help you to understand your treatments.