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Is 30-40 Mbps Fiber Optic Internet 100 Percent Fiber?

Internet Provider in Florida
Is 30-40 Mbps Fiber Optic Internet 100 Percent Fiber?

The cost of 100% fiber optic Internet access is high. But is the CenturyLink that it offers worth the extra investment?

Is your CenturyLink Internet service really fiber optic? Technically, the answer is yes. However, the way CenturyLink defines "fiber optic" might surprise you.

Fiber Optics

Looking for a fast, reliable internet connection? CenturyLink fiber optic internet may be just what you need. Fiber optic technology uses light signals to transmit data, making it super-fast and very reliable. And because fiber optics are not affected by weather conditions like cable networks can be, you'll always have a consistent connection. Plus, with CenturyLink's no contract policy, you can cancel your service at any time without penalty. So if you're looking for the best possible internet experience, check out CenturyLink fiber optic internet today!

Cons of Fiber Optics

You need a much spacious budget if you intend to get fiber optics installed. They may be less expensive in the long run, but they are still costly to install. You’ll need specialized equipment and a skilled worker to make sure everything is working properly.


Fiber is more susceptible to physical damage than another metal wiring since it is comparatively delicate. Fiber optic cables are easily cut by accident, and even a single cut cable can cause significant disruption.


Fiber optic networks are also prone to something called ‘fiber fuse’ in the industry when operating at high power. Long lengths of cable can be destroyed in a short period of time when too much light is pulsed through the wires and collides with a flaw in the glass fibres.

Fiber optic internet providers are more expensive than other internet providers.

Pros of Fiber Optics

The quality of the connection is the most valuable aspect of the fiber optic connection. As they have more resistance towards electromagnetic radiations, they are far less likely to have an error. As these electromagnetic radiations cause interruption with the conventional metallic or copper cable wires. Fiber-optic connections are also least likely to have corrosions which ensure better connections in the long run.

Since Fiber optics do not radiate signals, they ensure a rather secure connection. Security has become a primary concern in today’s world than it ever was before. Breaches are also easier to identify as the entire system fails due to a physical breakage.

Fiber optics are easily configurable. Since they are more scalable, the installation of new equipment over the existing fiber is a viable option. Wavelengths can be monitored as per the requirement, allowing it them to provide an efficient service.

Even though fiber optics are expensive upfront, but they are highly cost cost-effective in a long term. As fiber optics becomes more common, the cost is projected to fall over time.

Fiber optics are a series of thin strands of glass that allow for faster internet speeds.



As we come to the end of our discussion on fiber optic connections, it's important to remember a few key points. Fiber is the best way to connect to the internet and offers many advantages over traditional methods like copper wiring. It's faster, more reliable, and can support more data than other connection types. While fiber installation can be expensive, the long-term benefits make it worth considering for your business or home.

Call today (855) 561-1333 and get started with CenturyLink!

Website: https://www.ctvforme.com/centurylink/

Internet Provider in Florida
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