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How Much Does It Really Cost To Study in the United Arab Emirates?

How Much Does It Really Cost To Study in the United Arab Emirates?

You are not alone if you are considering pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Thousands of international students choose to study in this sunny part of the world, where they can enjoy great weather and beaches, as well as a variety of fun activities like desert safaris, kayaking, surfing, and skydiving.

While all of this sounds wonderful, you should be aware that the UAE is not cheap. This is why we've done some research and compiled a guide with all of the pertinent information about tuition and living expenses.

Let’s dive right in!

University tuition fees in the United Arab Emirates

Public university tuition fees

The UAE's public universities are free to set their own tuition policies. In general, international students should budget between 5,000 and 27,650 EUR per academic year. There are also cheaper — and sometimes free — study programmes available, but they are few and far between.

Tuition is determined by the total number of credit hours for each programme. For example, if a Master's in Education requires 36 credit hours to graduate and the fee for 1 credit hour is 371 EUR, the total cost of the academic programme will be around 13,355 EUR.

Tuition fees at private universities

Private educational institutions, like public universities, have the authority to set their own tuition fees. These are frequently higher, but this isn't always the case. The fee for one credit hour at the American University in the Emirates, for example, ranges between 285 and 405 EUR.

Student living costs in the United Arab Emirates

As an international student, you will need between 650 and 1,300 EUR per month to cover living expenses in the UAE. Your biggest expense will be lodging, but your personal spending habits and lifestyle can increase or decrease your budget.

The United Arab Emirates Dirham is the official currency (AED). At the time of writing, 4.30 dirhams equaled one euro.

Student accommodation costs

The following are the most common types of student housing or accommodation in the UAE:

University housing (on-campus or off-campus housing): prices and amenities vary by institution. United Arab Emirates University, for example, charges 1,300 EUR per semester, whereas the University of Sharjah charges between 565 and 1,970 EUR per year.

Renting a flat: total costs vary depending on apartment type (1–3 rooms), proximity to city centre, and so on. Full rent for a flat ranges between 730 and 2,000 EUR per month. Remember to budget for monthly utilities (150–230 EUR). Sharing an apartment with other students is an excellent way to cut your overall costs.

Food costs in the UAE

International students can expect to spend between 185 and 300 EUR per month on food and groceries, depending on their eating habits. The following are some examples of average food prices in the United Arab Emirates.

Transportation costs

A monthly public transportation pass costs around 55 EUR, but students may qualify for discounts. Buses are the most common mode of public transportation, but there are other options such as taxis, bikes, and metro (or subway) in some cities.

Did you know Dubai has the world's longest automated metro network? It is nearly 75 kilometres long and runs without the assistance of a human driver.

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