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Small Commercial Vehicles In India With Price And Performance

ushi gupta
Small Commercial Vehicles In India With Price And Performance

The small commercial vehicle models are one of the best trucks which are more suitable for intercity and intracity transportation works. These commercial vehicles have a valuable place among all the fleet operators due to their reliability and quality features. The small commercial vehicle models  come with up to date technology that can easily fulfil all the essential needs of the transport business owners. The reason behind manufacturing these SCV vehicles is that they can deliver exceptional performance on narrow roads. These vehicles are mainly used to transfer necessary goods in rural and urban areas. 

In addition, various types of small commercial vehicles are available at Truck Junction. But we are here with some popular small commercial vehicles with price and features. So, let's know about them.

This mini truck is designed with 1498 MM of width, 1750 MM of height and 2250 MM of wheelbase. It comes with a BS-VI engine norm and a Single cylinder DI Water Cooled type engine that provides a 16 HP powered engine. The fuel tank of this model is 10.5 Litres, and it has 1345 Kg of GVW. The Mahindra Jeeto Mini Truck price range is between Rs. 3.85 Lakhs* - Rs. 4.40 Lakhs*.

Tata Ace Gold Mini Truck

You can get 2 cylinders and Tata 275 Gasoline MPFI", 4 stroke water-cooled engine in this model. It comes with a BS-VI engine norm, and it provides 30 HP engine power which is best for many works. The payload capacity of this mini truck is 750 Kg, and it has 1615 Kg of GVW. The price range of this model is Rs. 4.41 Lakhs* - Rs. 5.47 Lakhs*.

For more details about trucks, and their variants, prices, images, features, and many more, please visit Truck Junction. 

ushi gupta
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