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Why You Should Send Your Child to an Educational Summer Camp

Why You Should Send Your Child to an Educational Summer Camp

Mindsahead Academy

During summer vacation, many students experience reading loss as a result of being away from school for too long. Enrolling your child in an educational summer camp will help to increase their academic proficiency and give your youngster the opportunity to socialise in a positive environment. Here, the educators at MindsAhead Academy in Fair Lawn, share some of the benefits of summer programs.


A Guide to Educational Summer Camps for Kids

Why Choose an Academic Enrichment Program?

Summer break is a time when children typically play sports or partake in other activities away from an educational setting. As such, students lose reading skills that they have gained during the school year. To keep your child at grade level, it's important to encourage them to continue their education throughout the summer.  Sending your child to an educational summer camp is the best way to prevent them losing academic ground.


A summer enrichment program will help kids prepare for the new school year by keeping them focused on scholastic goals. At camp, students have access to experienced and engaging teachers and tutors who make learning fun and accessible. Your child will be exposed to age-appropriate STEM concepts that allow them to expand their creativity and develop advanced problem-solving skills.




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