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8 Tips For Memory Care Residents to Get Better Sleep

Regency Place Assisted Living
8 Tips For Memory Care Residents to Get Better Sleep

Sleep is of utmost importance when you live in a memory care home. Most aids have strict rules to make sure that the residents are safe and they are getting enough rest. If you have stepped into a memory care home, you know your life will be very different than it was before. What can you expect and what should you do? Here are some tips for memory care Sacramento residents to get better sleep.


1. Read Journals

A good way to help you get better sleep is by reading journals and appreciating all the good things you have in your life. You can do this before going to bed or after waking up. This will make you happier, and it can help boost your mood.


2. Gentle Yoga Stretches

A great way to help you get better sleep is doing gentle yoga stretches. Yoga is an excellent tool for calming yourself and relieving stress. This improves your mood, and it can help you sleep easier and more soundly. There are many different gentle exercises you can try, as well as guided meditation.

3. Engage in a Hobby

Another way to help you get better sleep is by engaging in a hobby that you enjoy. You can do this before going to bed or after waking up. Whatever you choose, make sure it is something you enjoy and that you enjoy doing. If it helps you sleep better, then a hobby will help.


4. Listen to Soft Music

Another way to help you get better sleep is by listening to soft music. This will put you in a better mood, and it can help you relax. You can choose music that is soothing or calming. While it is important to listen to music that you like, it is also important to make sure it helps you relax and feel better.


5. Keep Your Room Dark and Cool

Another way to help you get better sleep is by keeping your room dark and cool. Make sure that the lighting is not too bright, and make sure there are no light bulbs that disrupt your sleeping patterns. Your room should also be cool on warm nights. This will help you sleep easier and deeper.


6. Keep Your Room at a Peaceful Temperature

Keeping your room at a peaceful temperature will help you get better sleep. A calm body temperature can help you get better sleep because it helps to slow down your heart rate, and it helps to lower blood pressure. You may also want to turn off or lower the thermostat in your room because you can also cause yourself to have a raised body temperature if it is too warm. To keep your room at a peaceful temperature, you should have the temperature set between 65 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit.


7. Lather up With Lotion

Another way to help you get better sleep is by using hand or body lotion before bed. This will help you relax, and it will give your skin a healthy glow. It will also help to improve your mood, and it can possibly help you sleep easier. There are many different lotions and soaps you can use, depending on your skin type. Use a product that has ingredients that you like and that will refresh your skin.


8. Stop Caffeine Consumption

Another way to help you get better sleep is by stopping caffeine consumption at least eight hours before bedtime. If you drink tea, consume it without milk. Caffeinated drinks can lead to you having sleepless nights, but if caffeine is your choice of calming agent, you should discontinue this habit an hour before bedtime.



Going to sleep is an important part of the day, and when you live in a memory care Sacramento home, it is even more important than it is for others. You can help yourself get better sleep by taking some time to relax and enjoy your favorite things before bedtime.

Regency Place Assisted Living
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