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Eight Best Tips on “Being Productive Using Online Productivity Tools!”

Eight Best Tips on “Being Productive Using Online Productivity Tools!”

How many times has it happened that you prepare an extensive to-do list at the beginning of a workday and don’t get to finish all the tasks by the end of the day? It can be mind-boggling to get through the work, assess and complete priority tasks, and procrastinate. 

Setting goals and organizing the worklist is important, so adopting a style that works for you and maintaining your productivity with the help of online tools wouldn’t be a challenge. Various tools are available to manage your productivity on your desktop or mobile applications. 

Select the tool that works best for your team, and start your workday with zest and agility to achieve the most that you can! Here are some tips on being productive using online productivity tools:

1.Celebrate Small Victories

Changing habits overnight is never the solution. Rather focusing on building an achievable list will help you enhance your productivity. Achieve tasks, reach goals, meet deadlines, and celebrate those small wins. It is important to celebrate small victories to keep yourself motivated and not procrastinate while trying to achieve the next big task.

Start with the Hardest Task First 

Set your to-do list with the hardest task first and pick that up first thing in the morning to accomplish it. That way, you don’t lose interest or start procrastination trying to put it off for the latter half of the day. Cracking through that difficult task early on in the day will encourage you to complete other things on the list quickly. 

2.Pick a Productivity Model that Works for You

There are several online productivity tools and many more methods. Find the method that works for you and fits your scheme of things. 

There is no shame in trying different things and zeroing on something that is the best for you. Follow a productivity methodology that aligns with your team’s needs to achieve your goals.

3.Take Breaks; You Need it.

Nobody can work at a stretch without being distracted for a very long time. The best way to get things done is to set a timer for 25-35 mins for a task, take a small 5-10 mins break, and then get back to work. This helps keep your brain sharp, trains you to work with full concentration for a small amount of time, and prevents over-burning due to work pressure. 

Take longer breaks after working through something that needs you glued to the system for a couple of hours. Decide when you need to get up, grab a coffee, go for a walk, or just look at your phone. It’s important to take those small breaks & keep them rejuvenated.  

4.Take Charge, Be Accountable

Set deadlines and goals for you and your team to achieve. Schedule regular check-ins and meetings with your teams, ask about the progress and address hurdles, and find a solution for any problems as a team. 

Creating an open and transparent work environment will not improve you and your team's productivity but also motivate them to achieve higher goals. Be accountable and take charge and get things done.

5.Make a List of Things

Being more organized and making a comprehensive to-do list will make getting things done productively easier and reduce the number of errors one makes. 

Set weekly tasks and targets to meet and tally what you have achieved and what is still pending at the end of the week. The organization is the key to achieving the maximum in the most efficient way possible.

6.Focus is the Key

Prioritizing things to accomplish or finishing a task is a practice one should not ignore while gauging productivity. This method will increase your focus on the task at hand and easily help you achieve your goals. Building on your focus and practicing it will enable you to work quicker and smarter. 

7.Navigate Through Distractions

How easy is it to get distracted while working? There are so many distractions around us, and getting a grip on oneself without being easily swayed by them is difficult. The best way is to create a work schedule that reduces the impact of these various distractions around us. 

Create your workspace even at home to keep professional and private life separate. You can always choose to take the help of technology such as noise cancellation software such as ClaerityAI or noise remover to reduce these distractions or background noises. 

This next-gen, AI-based technology is the best solution for active noise cancellation and speech enhancement for working professionals and enterprises who will be working in remote or hybrid mode permanently. This intelligent noise-cancelling software helps you improve your team’s productivity and enhance customer satisfaction while removing all background disturbances and improving audio quality. 

It works perfectly well with all collaboration platforms like Zoom, WebEx, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams etc on Windows and Mac book.To make the most of the online productivity tools is setting a discipline and creating a priority list that works for you. Remember, it is a process and needs practice to ace it!

Ø background sound remover online.

Ø noise cancelling app for windows.

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