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Different Auto Models In India With Vital Details & Price

ushi gupta
Different Auto Models In India With Vital Details & Price

Today, one sector is growing so fast: the auto rickshaw. Auto rickshaw models come from the passenger vehicle segment. It is the best choice for city transportation for a short distance. These vehicles are used to transport people from one place to another. They are built with advanced technologies to complete tasks more efficiently. These vehicles are packed with powerful engines that provide the best combo of power and torque. These are equipped with many high quality and innovative features that ensure great performance. They can easily handle rugged and challenging transportation applications. Auto price varies between Rs 58,000 to Rs 3.65 Lakh. 

Now, check out the top 2 auto models in the section below:- 

1. Bajaj Compact RE 

Compact RE is one of India's highly used auto rickshaws, belonging to the Bajaj brand. It has a 236.2 cc with 10 Horsepower that produces 19.2 Nm of torque, providing great performance in the applications. Variants of this auto include Bajaj Compact RE 3-Seater/LPG, Bajaj Compact RE 3-Seater/Diesel, Bajaj Compact RE 3-Seater/CNG and Bajaj Compact RE 3-Seater/Petrol. The auto rickshaw price is Rs 2.27 - 2.37 Lakh*. 

2. Piaggio Ape E City

Ape E City is the most popular auto with an electric version. This best E rickshaw has an Electric Motor with the power of 7 HP, producing 29 Nm torque. Its dimensions include 2700 mm length, 1370 mm width and 1725 mm height with a 1920 mm wheelbase. Variants consist of Piaggio Ape E City/ Fixed Battery Swappable. This E Rickshaw price is Rs 1.97 - 2.00 Lakh*. 

To get a complete list of auto rickshaw and E rickshaw models with complete information, check out Truck Junction. 

ushi gupta
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