AI Products 

Top 5 upcoming Google Workspace features

F60 Host
Top 5 upcoming Google Workspace features

Google new features 2022  reveals its upcoming Google Workspace features on Wednesday at its I/O conference. Google is expanding its use of AI in the future of Google workspace in order to improve the usability and security of its services. According to a recent announcement made by the company at Google I/O 2022, this is the case. Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets are among the Google new features 2022, as are Gmail and Google Meet.

The Top 5 upcoming Google Workspace features are:

1. Portrait restore

2. Portrait light

3. Live sharing

4. Security protection

5. De-reverberation.

To know more in details about the upcoming Google Workspace features read our blog on Top 5 upcoming Google Workspace features.

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Product: Top 5 upcoming Google Workspace features 

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