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Presenting the New Super Liquid on the Block- Alkaline Water

Presenting the New Super Liquid on the Block- Alkaline Water

What's the big buzz?

People from all walks of life like this brand new youth drink. It has many essential traits. It is an age-old formula. Moreover, it is known to cure several health conditions. However, this basic element of life gets a clever twist. The new version is alkaline water. It is the new buzzword of the century. However, it has been popular in the media since the 1960s.

The scientists from Japan were the first to discover this concept. They used equipment to split water into its alkaline & acidic strains. Its medicinal values made it the solution to many issues as time passed. Today, it enjoys the status of super liquid.

So, is buying alkaline water online worth it?

Some brands of alkaline water bottles add extra minerals & other nutrients. It makes them more desirable to fitness freaks. It contains four minerals that add to its medicinal properties:

  • Calcium is known for boosting bone health 
  • Magnesium acts as a catalyst for several chemical reactions in the body.
  • Sodium plays a crucial role in blood sugar regulation. It also aids in nerve functions. 
  • Potassium helps in the proper functioning of the muscle. It also promotes healthy digestion.

Alkaline water benefits

Here are some pros of drinking alkaline water: 

A drink that will keep you forever young

It is rich in anti-oxidants. As a result, it slows down the aging process. In addition, it checks the growth of free radicals that lead to cell damage.

Helps control Acid Reflux

Due to busy lifestyles & lousy eating habits, many people today suffer from acid reflux. It is a health condition wherein stomach contents travel up the food pipe. Ionized water helps fight this issue quite easily because of its basic nature.

Super hydrating 

Molecules of alkaline water are tiny. This trait helps the body to absorb vital nutrients easily. As a result, it is a favorite amongst people from sports. Those who do heavy workouts daily also prefer this drink.

Is it worth all the hype?

This product makes a lot of health benefit claims. But unfortunately, there is no credible proof to prove its merits. Many global firms profess that having alkaline water improves immunity. However, few claim that it helps in weight loss & prevents cancer.

DIY: How to make Alkaline water at home

  1. With baking soda

Baking soda has a pH level of 9, which makes it essential. Mix half a spoon of baking soda in around 4 liters of water. Shake the mixture well. The baking soda should wholly dissolve. Next, pour yourself a glass of natural alkaline water.

  1. With lemon slices

Cut a lemon into thin slices, preferably 8 in number. Add them to a jar of regular water. Do not squeeze those slices. Let them remain in water overnight for 8-12 hours. Your alkaline water is ready to use the next day. You can carry it in a bottle for workouts, office, etc. You can add pink salt to it. 

You have an option to use an ionizing filter or pH drops to prepare the same.

Alkaline water side effects

Do not take in large quantities. Excess of anything is harmful to health. So, a small amount shall be enough. Take your time to make this change. To begin with, you can have around 800-900 ml of water daily. 

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