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Mindset Evolution Podcast in UK | Self help Podcasts in UK

Daisy Papp

We aim to share our message as far as we can so we are translating our transcripts into other languages which will be available on our YouTube channel soon.

Mindset Evolution Podcast UK, best audiobooks UK ,self help podcasts UK

We believe we were meant to meet and do this podcast together. Our backgrounds are culturally diverse yet our traumas, experiences and paths of evolution have been remarkably similar. From our early days of chatting to get to know each, practicing how we would do the podcast, and finding our groove with each other, we instantly clicked and saw greatness in each other.

It is our combined hope that we reach millions of people with our simple mindset change shortcuts, enabling happier and healthier people everywhere. Together we can change the world.

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to our podcast team, our supporters, our families, and most of all to you, our listeners. We hope you get value from us.

We aim to share our Mindset Evolution Podcast in UK ,message as far as we can so we are translating our transcripts into other languages, the best podcasts for self-improvement and the best self-help podcasts

Bring Your Body Into Balance Naturally

How? Conditioned programming comes from our life experiences that can create all sorts of issues in the body and mind. Our programs help you reprogram these.

How Do They Work?

The Empowering Audio Programs™ assist the body-mind connection in restoring its natural balance through carefully crafted language alongside multiple other elements. Simply listen daily for 21 days then 3 times per week.

What Areas Do The Programs Focus On?

SelfRecoding® has created programs for all body well-being, weight release, weight increase, muscle mass increase, sleep and prosperity. The programs address our old patterns of beliefs and subconscious programming we are often unaware of.

Visit us: https://daisypapp.com/

Daisy Papp
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