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How To Recognize If Someone Has A Venous Ulcer?

Wound Care Surgeons
How To Recognize If Someone Has A Venous Ulcer?

Venous ulcer or let’s say venous leg ulcer is a sore on the leg which takes a significant time to heal due to poor blood circulation in the limbs and requires advanced medical care & attention. They can last from a few weeks to years, making them a type of chronic wound. It is essential to get them treated as a patient notices its symptoms as it can be a diabetic foot ulcer also. But first, let’s know how a venous leg ulcer occurs.

What Causes A Venous Ulcer?

Leg veins are responsible to send blood back to the heart and when there is a disturbance performing its job, the problem arises. For example, people who are bedridden or with sedentary issues often face blood circulation problems. This poor circulation causes additional pressure on the veins, leads to the blood pooling in the veins, and the formation of a small, open wound known as a venous ulcer on the surface of the skin. It weakens the skin and makes it rigid to treat with traditional treatment. So, to avoid future complications like infection or amputation due to an underlying condition, it is better to schedule a bedside appointment with a venous ulcer specialist.

Read more: https://woundcaresurgeons.edublogs.org/2022/06/02/how-to-recognize-if-someone-has-a-venous-ulcer/

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