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SEO Company in Delhi

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SEO Company in Delhi

TechDost Services is a renowned SEO Company in Delhi that offers SEO Services at affordable prices in Delhi. SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. It is a module of Digital Marketing. Currently, we are serving 167 active clients of SEO.

The sole purpose of SEO activity is to improve the organic ranking of all the pages of a website. SEO is indeed a daunting task. It requires a lot of time, continuous effort, and patience in order to make your website rank in google engine search results.

Our Digital Marketing Company in Delhi provides all the modules of digital marketing under one roof.

There are 3 common aspects of SEO that are as follows:

  1. On-Page Optimization
  2. Off-Page Optimization
  3. Technical SEO

1. On-Page SEO:

On-Page SEO entirely deals with the Content Part and HTML part. On-Page SEO elements deal with the things that are on the website and are completely in our hands. This is the reason it is said as ‘On-Page SEO’. We have an SEO Company in Delhi that can do On-Page SEO for you.

On-Page Activities involve the following best Practices:

  • Original Content or Plagiarized Free Content
  • Long & High-Quality Content
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Title tag & Description Optimization
  • Keyword in Slug
  • Place your keyword in the first 100 words of the article.
  • Keyword in Headings, Subheadings, and Paragraphs.
  • Images Optimization
  • Usage of LSI Keywords
  • External Links
  • Internal Links

2. Off-Page SEO:

Off-Page SEO is an activity in which we create backlinks through several techniques in order to improve the authority & credibility of the website.

Several Techniques of Off-Page SEO are as follows:

  • Guest Blog Post: It is a backlinks activity in which we submit a guest post on the other website of the same niche as us. In this technique, we have to manually reach out to the owner of the other website to submit a guest post. It depends upon the other person whether the other person accepts or rejects your guest post proposal.

  • Social Bookmarking: There are various social bookmark websites on the internet. These websites are the UGC websites in which any person can go and post his content on the platform. Make sure your content doesn’t violate any rules and regulations of their website.

  • Other Common Ways of Creating Backlinks are: Directory Submission, Classified, Blog Commenting, Image Submission Websites, etc. Our SEO Company in Delhi can help you to increase the authority of your website in google.

3. Technical SEO:

Technical SEO deals with the following factors that are as follows:

  • Canonical
  • Website Speed
  • Website Architecture
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Fix Broken Links
  • Use of HTTPS Version
  • Fixing Errors

If you are looking for an SEO Company in Delhi, then TechDost can make your website rank higher in SERPs at affordable prices. You can call or send us a message at: +91 7500996633 to get all the details.

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