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Questions to Ask When You Hire a Java Developer

Narola Infotech
Questions to Ask When You Hire a Java Developer

What are the features of Java?

1.  Platform Independent

Unlike many other programming languages, such as C and C++, Java is converted into platform-independent bytecode rather than platform-specific machine code. This byte code is also delivered over the internet and is interpreted by the Virtual Machine (JVM) on the platform on which it is executed.

2. Easy to Learn

Java is intended to be simple to learn. Furthermore, It is simple to grasp OOP Java if you understand the fundamental concepts

3. Secure

The security feature of Java makes it possible to create a fool-proof system. Besides, It utilizes public-key encryption in authentication systems which also gives a boost to its security.

4. Architecturally Neutral

With the inclusion of the Java runtime system, the Java compiler creates an architecture-neutral object file format. That makes the produced code executable on a wide range of processors.

5. Portable

The neutral architecture, as well as independent features of Java, make it highly portable. The Java compiler is developed in ANSI C, which is a POSIX subset with a clear portability feature.

What is a ClassLoader in Java?

The Java ClassLoader is a component of the Java Runtime Environment that loads Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine. Also, there is no need for the Java runtime system to know about files or file systems due to the presence of classloaders.

Java classes are loaded into memory as needed by an application and not at once. The JRE calls the Java ClassLoader, as a result these ClassLoaders dynamically load classes into memory. Make sure your Java application development services provider is aware of its benefits.

The main difference between Heap memory and Stack memory in Java?

Memory management is a crucial operation in Java, and it takes care of it automatically. The JVM divides memory into two sections: stack memory as well as heap memory. Both are essential memory locations from the Java perspective, although they are utilized for distinct purposes.


The main distinction between stack and heap memory is that the stack retains method execution order and local variables. Whereas the heap memory stores object and employ dynamic memory allocation as well as deallocation.

You can judge the skills of a Java developer based on how they answer this question.You must hire Java developers who are well-versed in using this framework.

Ask About Aggregation in Java

It is a connection between two classes in Java that is best defined as “has-a” and “whole/part.” It’s a subset of the associated connection. The aggregate class has ownership of another class since it has a reference to it. Therefore, we can consider each referenced class as a component of the aggregate class.

Ensuring that the developers you hire are adequately skilled is an action that will make or break your Java project. And to do that, it is essential that you ask the right questions. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could find developers who are already vetted and ready for action?

Narola Infotech is a Java development company that conducts rigorous interviews and recruitment exercises to hire developers. As a result, it filters out many candidates but the ones who are left are the cream. No doubt, your project will take a turn towards success if you hire our developers. Feel free to contact us any time to discuss your project requirement and how we can take it forward.

Narola Infotech
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