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Plantar Fasciitis: What You Need to Know and How to Treat It

Aliyana Desouza
Plantar Fasciitis: What You Need to Know and How to Treat It

Whether you're an avid runner or simply stand all day at work, your feet take a lot of stress on any given day. When your plantar fascia the thick band of tissue that stretches from the bottom edge of your heel to your toes experiences too much stress, it can lead to plantar fasciitis. While you can do several things to help ease the pain and swelling from plantar fasciitis, the first step is to understand what's going on with your foot to take the right steps toward relief.

Plantar fasciitis is more common among people aged between 30 to 60 years. It is more common for overweight people to lift heavy objects, wear improper shoes, and stand or walk on hard surfaces. People who are diabetic are also at a higher risk of developing plantar fasciitis because their bodies cannot naturally heal as quickly. A sudden increase in activity level can also lead to this condition. To address this problem, many foot stretch bands have proliferated the market. Sadly, most, if not all, of those who used the stretching band are disappointed in the long run.

Castleflexx has a high rating in plantar fasciitis pain relief. Castleflexx, unlike the bands, uses a patented "foot hammock" that is completely Velcro free. The foot hammock fully flexes the toes back and down into dorsiflexion as you stretch. The result? A stretched plantar fascia and ultimately plantar fasciitis pain relief. This device comes with comfy bar grips that allow you to stretch for longer while maintaining a balanced and stress-free upper body. All you have to do is gently wrap it around your heel. with both hands, grip the ergonomic handle, and pull it towards your chest. To fully engage the plantar fascia tissue, have your leg raised to 90 degrees from your other leg while pulling the bar.


Aliyana Desouza
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