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Sana khan

The Health Revolution

With the massive revolution that has occurred in the health food industry, everyone seems to be scrambling to make the best choice. Whether you're looking for something that aids weight loss, controls diabetes or reduces the effects of high blood pressure and cholesterol - there are brands out there, trying to grab your attention. But what is health? For the layman, it is how one feels. But a much deeper analysis suggests that health refers to the functioning of the body with all its organs, cells and muscles. In addition to this, it refers to mental and psychological health as well. The most appropriate way to explain health is the fruitful and faithful functioning of mind, body, and soul. From this, it’s easy to understand that health needs a more well-rounded approach. That is what Divine Flavour embodies - 'A holistic approach to thoughtful and delicious nutrition'.

The importance of Breakfast

Hearing "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is something we've all grown up with. There is ample truth to this statement. As the word suggests, we are breaking our fast. The considerable gap between dinner and waking up puts the body into a state of fasting and the longer one stays in this state, the body's metabolism is impacted. By the 8th hour of fasting, the liver has used up all its glucose resources and therefore, eating a nutritious and wholesome breakfast, restores the glucose levels. It must also be understood that skipping meals causes hunger pangs that then forces us to eat larger amounts and untimely meals. This can cause blood sugar spikes which can cause the body’s metabolism to slow down.

What is a healthy breakfast?

The word "Healthy" had gained a bad reputation. It is misinterpreted to mean various things such as, gluten-free, sugar-free, zero carbs, oil-free etc. If anything, healthy simply means one that promotes good health. For this, all food groups need adequate representation and unless one is allergic or intolerant to a certain group, it must not be avoided! A nutritious breakfast should constitute a good amount of complex carbs such as oats, millets or multi-grains. Protein can be added in the form of nuts, seeds, eggs and dairy and good fats can be included too. This way all macronutrient groups are a part of your daily breakfast and this plays a very vital role in how your body assists you in your day going forward.

What's on offer?

Today, it is important to be mindful of the fact that we can walk into a supermarket isle and be flooded with breakfast options. Apart from your regular bread, eggs, meats and dairy - the cereal aisle is like a playground! All the kids are screaming for attention and you don't want to upset anyone! Keeping certain guidelines in mind will help make the correct choices for you and your family. Your goal is to stay away from anything artificial - flavours, colours, preservatives, additives, sugars etc. Your body is a natural being so why would you put anything unnatural into it? Choose the more natural alternatives that represent all food groups adequately and promise a well-rounded and nourishing start to the day.

Benefits of having a balanced first meal of the day

Unless you are instructed by a health professional, with good reason, that you need to be in a state of fasting, skipping breakfast is a ludicrous idea! It's really this simple - our body needs food to generate energy to carry out bodily functions as well as our day-to-day physical and mental tasks. Having a wholesome and nourishing breakfast such as a well-made granola or muesli with some fresh fruit and milk or yogurt of your choice is a good way to begin the day. Not only does it set you up with good energy to carry out your tasks but if makes for a satisfied tummy that leads to a satisfied mind that eventually leads to a happier mental state.

One such option is Divine Flavour with its range of Granola and Muesli in a variety of flavours. Their range of products is 100% natural and packed full with goodness. Their delectable fare is devoid of any artificial and unnatural ingredients and makes it safe for your entire family. It’s time for a nourishing wholesome breakfast which powers your body to take on a day full of work and play!

To know more: https://www.divineflavour.com/how-to-eat

Sana khan
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