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How Surveillance Camera Has Become an Integral Part of Our Daily Lives

ED Viston
How Surveillance Camera Has Become an Integral Part of Our Daily Lives

This article was originally published "here" and is being posted here with permission.

With increasing crimes in society today, be it home, corporate offices, business places, or public places, surveillance has now become an accepted form of monitoring behavior. It is no longer considered illegal if carried out at an individual or organizational level in home and public places. But if HIK Video Surveillance in Singapore is done by the government either through accessing the individual’s computers, or social media accounts, then that is snooping and considered illegal and requires a law to approve this activity.

What exactly is surveillance?

Surveillance is monitoring activities, behaviors, or information. This can be done through electronic equipment such as CCTV, interception of electronic transmission of any information such as internet traffic.

Individuals use surveillance to monitor their home activities in their absence. There are many categories of cameras, such as USB hidden cameras, mini cameras, and mini surveillance cameras, that are easy to afford and user-friendly. Because of new technologies, they are small in size and can be installed without anyone noticing it. These high-tech cameras can be disguised as alarm clocks, power adaptors, smoke detectors, photo frames, and even water bottles. Most of them are wireless and battery-powered, making them very effective.

Be careful

Many small hidden cameras, however, have been used for nefarious purposes. Certain spaces are meant to be private, like the bathrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and hotel rooms. The usage of cameras in these places is illegal, but it may not be possible for anyone to stop it. They can only be vigilant when in these places.

There are mini surveillance cameras installed in public places like shopping malls or streets. Still, they do carry signs that inform people that they are under surveillance to discourage theft or any committing of any other crime.

Corporate surveillance helps

Another prevalent form of supervision is now used in organizations monitoring individuals or groups. Employees are now under watch with the advent of complete computerization of their work and the critical importance of data usage. Any organization’s business data is used for marketing purposes, which is perfectly all right, but often it is sold to other competitor companies for a price. This can cause severe damage to the organization’s business, and to avoid this, many organizations often install CCTV to prevent data theft by employees.

It is seen that corporate surveillance through HIK Video Surveillance Singaporecovert spy cameras, or blue tooth speaker cameras has resulted in increased productivity among employees, stopped data theft, and also reduced sexual harassment at the workplace.

ED Viston
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