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Connect Your Roku Device Easily With Go.Roku.Com/Connectivity

Connect Your Roku Device Easily With Go.Roku.Com/Connectivity

When you first turn on your Roku streaming player or Roku TVTM, it will invite you to connect to the internet using either Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable. To stream audio and video, go to Go.roku.com/connectivity and establish a connection between your Roku device, your home network, and the internet.

After you've worked out how to connect your Roku device, you can use the on-screen Guided Setup approach to begin configuring it. During the Guided Setup, you will configure your preferences, and settings, and activate your device. If you're experiencing issues connecting your Roku streaming device to the internet, simple troubleshooting approaches may be able to assist you to finish the setup process.

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What is the best way to connect your Roku streaming device to the internet?

If you're using Wi-Fi to connect your Roku streaming device, you'll need to know your wireless network name, often known as the SSID, and the network password. Keep in mind that passwords are frequently case-sensitive while typing them. If you need to type a capital letter, press the shift key on the on-screen keyboard. If you need help finding your wireless network name and password, there is more help available.

Connect one end of the network cable to the Ethernet port on your compatible Roku device and the other end to your router if you're utilizing a wired network connection. Learn how to connect to the internet using a third-party adapter if your Roku device does not have an Ethernet port.

Go to go.roku.com/connectivity and follow the instructions to connect your Roku device to your WiFi network.  It's easy to add the perfect Roku device to your current TV setup. Learn more about Go.Roku.com/Connectivity here.

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