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Excellent Japanese Eyewear Brands Now at Twelve Sixty Nine

Twelve Sixty Nine
Excellent  Japanese Eyewear Brands Now at Twelve Sixty Nine

When it comes to optic manufacturing, Japanese eyewear brands are cultivating one of the longest traditions on the earth. The hotbed of Japanese eyeglasses manufacturing is the Fukui region. This area in the west of the country was firstly known for its rich agriculture. Especially rice that expert breweries turn into premium sake.

Effects changed in 1905 when Gozaemon Masunaga initiated the production of japanese eyeglass designers eyeglasses in Fukui. originally, eyewear product aimed to give redundant income for farm workers during the winter season. But when Masunaga established a guild system to help masters of the optic trade establish their own shops, eyewear manufacturing kicked into high gear.

This turn of events not only marks the beginning of one of the stylish Japanese eyewear brands, namely MASUNAGA. It also established Fukui as one of the world’s top three manufacturing hothouses of eyewear. Right next to China and Italy. Even now, companies located in Fukui produce a whopping 97 of Japanese- made optic eyewear frames.

Made in Japan – craftsmanship at its formal

Speaking of eyewear ‘ Made in Japan ’ numerous of the world’s commanding brands trust Japanese artificer when it comes to manufacturing. Especially precise and featherlight titanium frames. The reason is simple Japanese eyewear brands in the city of Sabae, Fukui region, created the world’s first optic frames from titanium in 1981. They had to master a delicate and precise machining process to mold the featherlight andanti-allergenic metal. Eventually they succeeded, so now Japanese titanium is considered among the world’s best.

Another advantage of Japanese eyewear brands is their openness towards new styles and fashion impulses. Japanese fashion is influential. Whether it’s the rearmost streetwear seems, pop culture influences or understated designer fashions drafted for the runway – the stylish Japanese eyewear brands keep effects intriguing with new, inspiring and trendy products.

So which smart design is right for you? You ’re in the best place to find the answer. The FAVR platform was created to give helping hand. For example, you can use our virtual stylist called “ Match My Style ” to obtain individual style advice. Plus, you can see the frames by using our Virtual Try- On tool. Entirely without leaving your home!

Spectacles from the best Japanese eyewear brands – try them now TwelveSixtyNine!

Are you ready to meet the best Japanese eyewear brands? The FAVR platform is your exclusive( digital) window into the entire world of eyewear. And by that we mean all countries known for their optic traditions. So with this in mind, our database holds a lot of different spectacles. But then’s the good news Navigating the FAVR platform is super easy Just click afterwords to find our selection of optic frames. Next, you can browse our full- fledged sunglasses line- up.

still, just make some quick adaptations, If you ever feel overwhelmed by too multiple choices. You can always narrow down your quest by using pollutants. For sample, you can specify your search by brand(e.g. “ Eyevan ”). And you can search for a certain frame shape(e.g. “ Panto ”) or colorway(e.g. “ gold ”). When you apply some of these filters, you can get near to finding exactly what you want then on the FAVR platform.

As a special tool, we ’ve also developed a technology that lets you try on the frames directly. We may call it the Virtual Try- On tool, a real FAVR special! Just fire up your webcam and see what a frame looks like directly on your face. Easy! Now, without farther ado, then are the best Japanese eyewear brands.

Twelve Sixty Nine
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