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Best Home Appliances repair service at Joxrobot in Hyderabad

Best Home Appliances repair service at Joxrobot in Hyderabad

Book trained professional technicians for all your home appliance repair services. Low-cost repairs at your doorstep.

We are basically an IT company having experience in developing more than 3000 dynamic websites since 2004. We have gained lot of expertise during the past several years in terms of customer expectations from the digital environment. We have dealt with customers having no exposure to internet and have created web layouts and mobile screens which are easily adapted by these people. Our IT team comprises of highly talented and quick learners. It is on the strength of these IT team we are able to diversify into any field.

We have been on lookout to diversify into a business, which will enable our expertise to benefit the people at large. The business we were looking must be useful to each and every person and shall make their lives easy. The business must also improve the quality of life of the people. After doing a lot of research we identified the services sector as the services sector is largely unorganised. Customers looking for service providers do not have access to good professionals, likewise professionals do not have a platform to showcase their skills and market them. This prompted us to start a platform where every person can find a service professional according to their needs and choice.

In the end we created JobX Robot and made it available on both web and mobile versions. We constantly update the features and options to make our customers experience easy and user- friendly.

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