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5 Email Hosting Providers in India to Help You Send 100K Emails Without a Hiccup

Web Cadence

If you are an e-commerce business or an organization with a massive database, you know how important email is for reaching customers and audiences. However, if your business is small-scale with a limited audience, it may not be feasible to invest in an email service provider (ESP) and host your own server. Moreover, why spend money on a mail server when you can outsource the task and buy email hosting services? That’s why we bring you this article that lists the best email hosting providers in India. Also, read our blog on


Ecommerce businesses should always have an email marketing strategy in place.

For all those who have not yet understood the importance of email marketing in ecommerce, here are a few points to help you get started: - Email is one of the most effective marketing channels that can help you convert new customers. - Email marketing also helps you nurture your existing customers by staying in touch with them, providing them with relevant content, and increasing their loyalty towards your business. - Email is one of the cheapest marketing channels, and hence, it makes sense to put in a lot of effort in this channel. - Email is the most effective channel when it comes to driving sales. With the above points, it becomes clear that even if your business is small-scale with a limited audience, it is important for you to invest in an email service provider (ESP) and host your own server. However, if you have a limited budget, it may not be feasible to host your own server. - In such a scenario, you can outsource the task and buy email hosting services. That’s why we bring you this article that lists the best email hosting providers in India.


Which is the best Email Hosting Service Provider in India?

We have researched on popular email hosting providers in India and listed the best ones below. Before choosing a particular provider, you should consider factors such as price, features, and their customer support quality.

MailChimp: MailChimp is one of the most popular email hosting providers in India and is a good start for businesses that send less than 100,000 emails per month. It is a readymade email subscription service, and you can send bulk emails and manage subscribers from one place.

BlueMail: BlueMail is a popular and reliable email hosting provider in India. It also offers other features such as email analytics, email automation, and email marketing.

Exmail by Exostra: Exostra is a big name when it comes to email hosting providers in India. It offers reliable email hosting services along with email marketing automation and help with email conversion.  


Rocketalk is a great email hosting provider in India and offers email marketing automation, email tracking, and email lead capture.

SumoMe: SumoMe is a great email hosting provider in India, and it offers an impressive range of features such as email marketing, content upgrades, and lead generation.



When it comes to marketing, email always comes to our mind. It is one of the most important channels that help in communicating with customers and building relationships with them. But, if you are a startup or a small business, it is difficult to send emails from your end due to the cost involved. For such businesses, it is better to buy email hosting services. There are a lot of email hosting providers in India, and you can choose the best one for your business according to your needs and requirements.

Source link: https://www.zupyak.com/p/3180906/t/5-email-hosting-providers-in-india-to-help-you-send-100k-emails-without-a-hiccup


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