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How to Handle Undesired Pregnancy

Lizzie Mojica
How to Handle Undesired Pregnancy

Every woman gets a hope to become pregnant and this is more special when the pregnancy is planned. However, the same case may be worse if the pregnancy is undesired. At some point in their life, over half of women become pregnant without intending to. If any women started her periods and not reached her menopause, then she has chances of becoming pregnant or if the couple do not use the protection or if the protection fails then it can also lead to Undesired pregnancy.

In such cases you can feel stressed and once you get to know that you have missed the periods then you need to confirm the pregnancy as soon as possible as the sooner you get the result the more time you will get to make a decision.

How to find out if you are pregnant?

You can perform a pregnancy test after you have missed your periods. There are 2 types of test you can do either one and confirm your pregnancy.

1- Blood test: A blood test, which can be done in a doctor’s office or a health center, determines whether you have hCG in your blood. It can tell you if you are pregnant approximately a week before your period is due.

2- Urine pregnancy test: On urine pregnancy tests, a pregnancy-related hormone identified in urine is usually checked for. These tests are extremely accurate, and you can begin using them about the time your period would regularly arrive. The majority of at-home pregnancy tests work in a same manner:

  • You can collect the urine sample and then put the sample into the kit or you can directly put a test kit into your urine while urinating.
  • After that you need to wait for a few minutes for the result to appear on the kit.
  • If the result shows no line means the test is negative and you are not pregnant however if your test shows a line (either faint or dark) then it means the test is positive.
  • If your test is negative and you find signs of pregnancy, then you can do a blood test to find the hCG.
  • You can easily get the pregnancy kit. You don’t have to be over a certain age to buy them, and you don’t need a prescription.

What to do if you deal with an Undesired pregnancy?

You’ll need time to accept the news and the variety of emotions that come with it once you find out you’re pregnant. Even though you’re excited, you or your spouse may somewhere feel emotionally, spiritually, physically, or financially unprepared to start a family right now.

The next stage is to determine whether to keep the pregnancy or terminate it. You have the option of raising the child yourself or having the child adopted through closed or open adoption or care if you decide to carry the pregnancy to term. However, if you plan to terminate it then you can choose medical abortion if the pregnancy week is up to 8 weeks.

Many of us are emotionally torn for a long time before deciding on our next course of action. Hormonal changes in your body will have an impact on your emotions and feelings. Personal contemplation and discussion with close friends or family members may assist in your decision-making. However, it is critical to make a decision early in the pregnancy so that you can receive prenatal care or have a Medical abortion before the 8th week of pregnancy, when abortions are the easiest and safest. You will be limited in your options if you do not make a selection.

Believe in yourself; you know what’s best. Clarifying the best option for you is your responsibility so make the decision wisely.

Lizzie Mojica
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