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Water sports in Havelock Island

Water sports in Havelock Island

Best water sports to try in Andamans

Andaman Island is the most admired hubspot to explore the beauty of India. It's encompassing

miles of the sea, and due to this, the Andaman island has a lot of water sports activities to offer

the tourists. The Andamans has crystal clear sea waters, greenery, and a well-supportive

Andaman tour management team to assist you anytime.

Many of the places are reserved under Forest Department. Still, there are sufficient places

available for tourists to enjoy the adventure and sports activities.

Water Sports that you must try during your Andaman Visit!

1-Scuba Diving: It is the topmost common water sport which

people love to do, the scuba diving is the most fascinating sport enjoyed at the beach. All the

islands are surrounded by vast stretches of reefs [near 96 meters] differentiated by the shore.

2-Seakart: This sport was introduced in the year 2020. This activity is an exciting water sport

that launched in the third place after Dubai & Mauritius. It is just like a novel watercraft made

like a go-kart. You are required to drive the Seakart on your own under the instructions of the

licensed official.

3-Snorkeling: Compared to regular swimming, it's better to try Snorkeling, and it is more

economical than other sports in Andaman. In this sport, you will experience the underwater

world with complete comfort, you won't need any heavy machines or setup. It's just an instant

water sport that makes your body weight and feels light.

4-Jet Skiing: This activity is readily available in all parts of India, especially near sea places

like- Goa, Pondicherry, etc. But for this sport, Andaman Island is the best spot for it. The

appropriate water waves are mandatory for this s

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