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Importance of Choosing Different Extracurricular Activities for Your Child

Pgnm Shubham
Importance of Choosing Different Extracurricular Activities for Your Child

There are thousands of extracurricular activities these days for kids to do. These activities play a significant role in the overall development of a child. Some of the best CBSE schools in Gurgaon provide special sessions for extracurricular activities. 

Importance of Extracurricular Activities:

People often target academic activities and try to boost their kids in the field of academics. But this might not be the best idea as a growing kid needs development in different ways. Extra curricular activities will help them explore their passion and, on the other hand, help them grow mentally and physically. There are numerous ways by which a child can explore the different options regarding such activities. Best CBSE schools in Gurgaon offer special extracurricular activities to expose kids to other choices so as to help them in choosing the best additional curriculum activity for them.

List Of Extra Curriculum Activities That might Help Your Kid

There are numerous extracurricular activities out there, and if a parent tries to surf the internet to find the best option for his child, they might get confused with a number of options. But here, we have listed some of the best extracurricular activities which can actually help your kid to grow.

• Music - Kids love music, and to be honest, it might be the best option to be creative and learn at the same time. Different researchers and scientists believe that music can bring out the best in a kid. You can have an option to learn music and, on the other hand, can even learn how to play a particular musical instrument. There are people who try to do both. Sometimes this might get very hectic, but if your kid has good neuromuscular coordination, then it might be a good option for your child.

• Dance - If you want to involve your kids in something more physical, then dance can also be a good option. It is a creative extracurricular activity for students and kids. The body gets developed with dance better than any other extracurricular activity. There are different forms of dance that your child might like to explore. Some of the well-known forms can be classical, contemporary, and even hip hop. The dance will also help to learn endurance and patience.


• Sports - Playing sports such as football and cricket can be a good option also. Kids always love to play, and hence this option might be beneficial, especially for a boy. In playing sports such as cricket, your child will learn the skill of taking responsibility and, on the other hand, will learn how to coordinate with other kids. A person can also learn the qualities such as competitiveness in sports. Compassion and containing aggressive behaviors are also a significant part of these extra curriculum activities. 

• Painting - Painting is a great extra curriculum activity that can actually promote your child's creativeness. Playing with colors and drawing can be amusing, and on the other hand, it brings out the imaginative side of your kid. People like to draw and paint in a fun time, but this can actually be a perfect option, even as a career. If you want to develop some creative and imaginative skills in your kid, then painting is the best option for you. Best CBSE schools in Gurgaon offer special painting classes for their kids. You can always trust these schools to provide you with the best.

• Crafts and Pottery - Crafts and pottery is something that requires particular skill. If your kid wants to explore his creative side and, on the other hand, is good with crafts, then this might be a good option. One must remember that pottery and craftsmanship need precision, and one has to learn the art of being patient to get the results.

• Martial Arts - There are different forms of martial arts out there, such as karate, judo, and more. Kids these days learn self-defense as an extra curriculum activity. It is essential that your child must have the ability to self defend themselves in cases of emergency, and martial arts can be the best option for it. It can also help your kid to grow physically and mentally. On the other hand, if your kid has anger issues or finds it very hard to control emotions, then martial arts can be the best extracurricular activity for him.

• Cooking Classes - You never know what talent your kid has. Cooking might be a good option for extracurricular activity, and on the other hand, there are many who take this as a severe profession later on. Hence if your kid loves to cook, then you can encourage him to join cooking classes to get better at the art.


The importance of extracurricular activities cannot be ignored. In this competitive world, one can never compete only on his academics. Schools such as Pragyanam can really help with their special extracurricular activity periods and sections. Try to explore what your kids like so as to provide the best benefits out of specific extracurricular activities for them.

Pgnm Shubham
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