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Possibilities at the Marina that are Worth Exploring

35 South Marina
Possibilities at the Marina that are Worth Exploring

This last several years have seen a steady rise in yachting and naval tourism. The European Commission estimates that there are around 4,500 marinas across Europe, both on the coast and inland. More than 70,000 employment are supported by marinas, which produce close to € 4 billion in yearly revenue. The speed of technological innovation isn't keeping up with the market's growth and turnover. The design of a smart marina solution we've designed aims to increase service quality and efficiency while also making it easier for sailors to find vital information.

Problems that a smart Marina berth solution has to overcome

A digital smart marina may benefit both users and marina owners, but it might be difficult to implement. Many IoT devices (such as sensors for movement, wind, and water) must be integrated into these systems, which necessitates the use of real-time data flows as well as connections to other data sources like mobile phone sensors (GPS and/or Bluetooth). All these devices and protocols must be linked and integrated together in order to ensure scalability and responsiveness of the system. No matter what devices, protocols, or development platforms are involved, the same programming paradigm may be used to aggregate heterogeneous sensors and create rules of automation.

Systems that are already in place

Keeping oneself safe at sea is a top priority for all boaters and sailors. While the ocean is a lovely place, it can also be hazardous. As a result, you'll want access to a dependable sea chart and trustworthy weather information. In the meanwhile, we're considering integrating Navionics and Jeppesen's sea charts with Weather4D and Windfinder's weather data.

35 South Marina
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