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Things to know about Next-generation Memory

Ben Wood
Things to know about Next-generation Memory

The goal of virtual memory is an abstraction of infinite and private memory for every process. Unfortunately, the insatiable memory demands of modern applications increasingly violate this abstraction by exposing capacity, bandwidth, and performance limitations of modern hardware. Furthermore, emerging memory technologies are likely to exacerbate this problem. For instance, Next-generation Memory differs from DRAM due to its asymmetric read/write performance and thus will likely be an addition rather than a drop-in replacement for DRAM. This talk will describe these problems and recent architecture and software innovations that address of some of them. If adopted, these solutions will impose substantial challenges for operating system memory management, which has evolved very slowly over the past 30 years.  I will draw lessons from the past 15 years of garbage collection advances to suggest some promising directions for innovation.

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Ben Wood
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