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Tip & Tricks to Study Long Hours without Getting Bored

John Mayer
Tip & Tricks to Study Long Hours without Getting Bored

Are you desire to study for ten hours without getting unfocused or fed up? Well, it isn’t a simple task, to begin with. But you can surely teach yourself to stay focused and away from distractions through some exercises. Here is some tips and tricks that can help you to study for long hours without falling into distractions:

Set Attainable Study Tasks

Initially, start with setting some goals for yourself. Take up chapters and concepts that are more scoring, topics of your interests and where you are behind and then set a practical schedule and attainable tasks.

Learn to Prioritize                   

You must always know which concepts, topics or subjects you require to focus more on and therefore prioritize them accordingly. Swap subjects between an hour or 45 minutes or any other time you will feel uninterested and take up an interesting concept. You can always use a exceptional subject combination of interconnected subjects or topics which will boost your focus and learning power.

Make the Best Environment to Study

Finding a calm place to focus on your studying is also necessary for minimizing distractions and tediousness. So, you must first look for a place where you won’t be bothered for a long time (or though long your study time is) and then turn off all the interruptions. Put some calm study music and then begin.

Incorporate Breaks

While studying for hours, you must always incorporate short breaks to calm down whether it’s just for a stretch, a walk or a scroll through your feed. Take care to put a timer on your breaks and don’t get carried away.

Add some excitement to your Study Sessions

After that, you must also try to make your study time enjoyable either by asking a friend to study with you or adding music or engaging learning techniques. This doesn’t mean that if you have set a 10-hour study session, you will be watching concept videos all through these long hours. Rather you should take a certain chunk of your study time, and call a friend for a group study session or use an Online Tutoring to understand some concepts. For the remaining time, you must incorporate focus and minimum distraction to get the best out of your time.

Nap when required

Napping has been found to be helpful for recharging our brains and enhancing focus. You can nap for fewer than thirty minutes in between your study time and it is always better to take this nap at the same time all day as this will sync it with your circadian rhythm.

Active Not Passive Study

Most of us frequently study passively for long hours without even realizing that we didn’t take away much from our study session. The best method to study energetically is to write your own notes, make flashcards of concepts, or learn throughout the memory palace method. This means you must stay involved while learning anything so that you aren’t on autopilot throughout the session.

John Mayer
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