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Digital Asset Tracker: Bluetooth Asset Tracker, LoRa Asset Tracker, and Outdoor Tracker

Lansitec Technology Co., Ltd
Digital Asset Tracker: Bluetooth Asset Tracker, LoRa Asset Tracker, and Outdoor Tracker

Asset trackers are meant to protect your valuable assets including equipment, trailers, containers, farm machinery, and trucks. You can keep an eye on your asset and improve security at any time and from anywhere with an asset GPS tracker. It allows for real-time monitoring and can send out an immediate alarm in the event of an emergency. With an internal battery, you can select the most appropriate powered tracking gadgets potentials for multiple regions, no matter in the construction site, logistics, fleet management scenarios, etc. There are enormous varieties of asset trackers available for different tracking purposes.


And here in Lansitec, you will find various types of asset tracking devices that have high-quality, feature-packed services, such as Bluetooth Asset Tracker, LoRa Asset Tracker & Outdoor Tracker. Lansitec is a well-known asset tracking company on a global scale. From travel times to on-site usage to billable hours that go into a final report, Samsara streamlines every stage of an operation's everyday tasks. Asset dormancy, detention, and use are all covered in reports that are created automatically.

What is Bluetooth Asset Tracker

A Bluetooth Asset Tracker is a little device that you can use to keep track of your belongings. Bluetooth asset tracking, in its most basic form, uses wireless technology to establish links between an object and a tracker. These trackers are then connected to a smartphone or another Bluetooth-enabled device, which employs two-way communication to find the object.

Lansitec’s Bluetooth Asset Tracker has two high-capacity button cells built-in With a broadcast interval of 500ms, the maximum battery life is roughly 6 years. The beacon is mostly used for tracking within a building. With the help of our Bluetooth gateways, it can also be attached to assets and utilised for asset tracking.

Features Of Bluetooth Asset Tracker

  • The ability to communicate in two directions This functionality can then be used to locate many devices at the same time.
  • The simplicity with which industrial assets can be tracked is due to the device's connectivity with smartphones. This can be accomplished by having data taken automatically by a mobile app and then uploaded to the cloud for processing.
  • This asset tracker system uses beacon technology to provide pinpoint and efficient real-time position tracking at a fraction of the cost of other real-time tracking technologies like RFID and GPS tracking.

What Is LoRa Asset Tracker?

LoRa Asset Tracker is the appropriate GPS beacon for equipment geolocation that does not require external energy. This GPS tracker is integrated with magnets, making it easy to mount and resistant to weathering and external aggressions.

LoRa-based devices, sensors, and gateways provide a cost-effective approach to gathering, tracking, and monitoring data created by a large number of moving assets. It is designed from LoRa technology.

So, What is a LoRa Technology?

LoRa (short for long range) is a chirp spread spectrum (CSS)-based spread spectrum modulation method.

Lansitec’s LoRa Asset Tracker is built using advanced LoRa modulation and is powered by a lithium battery with 6-year battery life. It is a low-cost LoRaWAN end device that can be used in a variety of uses.

Features Of LoRa Asset Tracker

  • It has a long operating period and requires little maintenance. As a result, it's perfect for industrial applications.
  • The LoRa network can be used to change the sensor's working mode.
  • For LoRaWAN network operation, the Lansitec sensor family is perfectly compatible and plug-and-play.
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Design that is both compact and durable
  • Detection of movement and stationary modes
  • Reporting on the remaining battery
  • Configurable parameters

What is An Outdoor Tracker

Outdoor Tracker is a complete end-to-end asset monitoring solution that can follow your inventory at the warehouse, yard, distant client site, oil rig, or even while it's on the road.

Organizations are under a lot of pressure these days to keep track of and manage their inventory across the board in order to enhance their reports, efficiency, and safety. That’s why Lansitec's entire real-time outdoor asset tracking system offers a smarter, more productive way to run your business.

Our Outdoor Tracker is an inside and outdoor tracking device that is designed based on GNSS, Bluetooth, and LoRa technology. It has an extremely long standby duration and is protected by an IP65 container, making it ideal for asset tracking.

Did you know! What is a Bluetooth Beacon, and What does it do? The Definitive Guide to Bluetooth Beacons

Features of Outdoor Tracker

  • Get quick missing person alerts.
  • Use a map to locate your assets.
  • Improve logistics and planning to reduce delays.
  • Bottlenecks should be identified and eliminated.
  • We provide a complete off-the-shelf solution as well as services to assist you to get started with RFID asset tracking.
  • Vibration Detection.

Now, you know all these trackers and which one to buy according to your need. I hope, you liked this article. Don’t forget to share it with your friends who has similar interest. Thank you! 

Lansitec Technology Co., Ltd
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