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Worst Mistakes People Make in Aircon Repair

Zachary M. Hay
Worst Mistakes People Make in Aircon Repair

Air conditioners help you bear the unbearable heat in the Singapore atmosphere with ease. However, maintaining an aircon unit, in the long run, is not as easy as purchasing a brand new one. From the moment you buy a new aircon unit, you are bound to do its services and repairs on time. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and resources for that, you can always contact a trusted aircon repair in Singapore to get your work done. 

Even though top-notch aircon repair services are available in Singapore, trivial mistakes made by the owners make their work ineffective. If you are thinking of hiring an air con repair service, there are several mistakes that you must avoid. Here are 8 things that you should never do when repairing your aircon. 

1. Don’t Focus Only on Money

Your budget indeed plays a major role in getting your AC machine repaired. However, the quality of the work should always be put before the cost. If you only focus on the cost, you might miss out on hiring a top-rated aircon repair service or buying durable components for your unit. 

2. Don’t Spend Too Long Comparing Companies

There are numerous aircon repair companies in Singapore. Make sure to keep your circle as small as possible when choosing among a few. The best is to keep one trusted company to repair your unit in the long run instead of involving several different companies. Not all aircon repair companies are the same, hence, the level of service often differs. 

3. Cleaning from the Outside Is Not Sufficient

You might take a duster, wipe the surface of your aircon, and assume that it is perfectly clean. Remember, the most important components of your aircon are fixed inside. Unless your aircon is opened and cleaned from within, you cannot ensure its perfection. 

4. Don’t Adjust the Thermostat Often

The thermostat of your aircon unit regulates the temperature. It comes in almost all aircon units these days. However, too much adjusting can lower its functioning in the long run. Therefore, it’s good to avoid adjusting the thermostat unnecessarily without proper guidance. 

5. Don’t Use the Wrong Cleaning Materials

Unless you don’t have professional knowledge, you might not know the most suitable cleaning materials and products for your aircon unit. Using the wrong tools and chemicals can harm its surface, as well as the interior components. Always ensure to use high-quality cleaning tools and products that are specifically designed for AC machines. 

6. Don’t Forget to Change the Filter

Another big mistake made when repairing aircon units is not changing the filter. Your air conditioner not only gives you cool air but also filters it. When used for a long time, bacteria, dust particles, fur, and lint get accumulated in the air filters, lowering the efficiency of the machine. Therefore, when repairing, it is crucial to replace the air filters. 

7. Don’t Skip Servicing

Regular servicing is crucial for any aircon unit. If you don’t find any serious fault, you might think that it is okay to skip a service session. However, if you skip a service session, you would be causing damage to your ac machine unknowingly. Always get its service done on time just like you don’t skip your medical appointments. 

8. Don’t Forget the Guarantee

One of the biggest mistakes that aircon owners make is not asking about the guarantee from the ac repair service. Unless the repair is guaranteed by the company, you will have to face additional expenses if the repair workers make a mistake. Money-back guarantee is considered to be one of the most important requests that you should direct to your aircon repair company to ensure the safety of your unit, as well as your money. 

Bottom Line

Are you in need of an aircon repair? Ensure to pay keen attention to every minute detail when hiring an AC repair in Singapore. For the safety of your unit, always be careful to avoid all the above-mentioned mistakes.

Zachary M. Hay
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