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Woodies Sunglasses Review - What To Like Or Dislike ?

James T
Woodies Sunglasses Review - What To Like Or Dislike ?

Guess what? I just got a new shipment of the most premium sunglasses on the market - woodies sunglasses ! These are actually made from full bamboo wood, and are perfect for any environment - whether you're in your private office or beside a pool at an exotic location.



Review of these exotic woodies sunglasses:


What I like about these sunglasses:


●    They're nice, very wide and very light. I think I'm really going to enjoy them. I was surprised to see them come in a wood box instead of plastic. These glasses are really unique and stylish.


●    Has a great unique look, and overall good quality and durability.


●    These sunglasses have a 30-Day money back guarantee.


●    Incredible durability resulting from the wood construction.


●    Sturdiness that doesn't compromise comfort but provides a lot more protection for your eyes than plastic or metal frames would do.


●    These sunglasses have been in high demand since their inception and I was lucky enough to get it for myself. They are made of full bamboo instead of the usual, less durable panda wood that is normally used for sunglasses.


●    These sunglasses are meant for travel and function in any environment, from the beach to your office. They are perfect for any business person.


●    They also happen to be more stylish than plastic or metal glasses. Since they are made of wood, you can expect that they will last longer and not discolor as often as plastic glasses. To top it off, they have elegant lines that make them look better than plastic glasses or regular sunglasses.


●    These sunglasses have Polarized Lenses which provide you 100% UVA/UVB protection.


●    These sunglasses are handcrafted in a way to ensure you get the best quality, but at a reasonable price.


●    I myself was really impressed with the craftsmanship that went into making these sunglasses, they look very stylish!


●    They are made of 100% natural wood , so no artificial coloring or chemicals have been used during the process of making them.


●    These glasses are great for people with sensitive eyes or those who do not like using sunglasses that contain chemicals.



What I dislike about these sunglasses:


●    They are not good for a narrow face. They are very wide.



Nail it :

Woodies sunglasses are 100% natural and handmade from bamboo wood, which offers a lightweight and comfortable fit that is durable and sturdy. These sunglasses have light lenses, specifically designed to be dark but polarized so you get 100% UVA/UVB protection even in intense lighting conditions. This stylish, natural product includes a durable case that goes with every purchase. These glasses are bamboo and will not fade, bend, or break. Each pair comes with a case that is also made of bamboo wood.

Image Credit : Amazon Website

James T
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