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Know about Pregnancy Insomnia and how to treat it with Ambien 10mg?

Know about Pregnancy Insomnia and how to treat it with Ambien 10mg?

Pregnancy is a huge change in life and body. Also, it is a beautiful phase but also toll-taking. Hormones fluctuations, mood swings, food cravings, weight gain, and what does not happen in the nine months. But one of the things is Insomnia. Insomnia is the inability to sleep or stay asleep at night. 

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What is Pregnancy Insomnia?

During pregnancy, the changes that occur are:

  • Mood Changes 
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Frequent bathroom trips at night 
  • GERD or heartburn 
  • Sleeping disorders like Sleep apnea, Restless leg syndrome
  • Anxiety 
  • Dreams
  • Back pain 

Hence, these changes do not allow a good night's sleep. Also, sleeping disorders are common in the third trimester. Almost 78% of pregnant women suffer from Insomnia. So, the inability to sleep during pregnancy is known as Pregnancy Insomnia. 

Now, with some lifestyle changes, it can get better. But in some severe cases, your doctor may suggest some medications like Ambien.

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