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Methods of Wearing Three Mukhi Rudraksha


Teen Mukhi Rudraksha, or 3 Faced Rudraksha, or Tri Mukhi Rudraksha, is governed by Lord Agni (The God of Fire). These beads are also called Blueberry Beads because of their shape and resemblance to blueberries.

The Tri Mukhi Rudraksha is also believed to help maintain a perfect balance between personal and professional life and perfect health. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha liberates a person from the health problems related to the abdomen and digestion.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn in multiple manners. Each method has its own benefits and significance. Let us focus on each one, one by one.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Red Thread- This is worn by those who have been recommended a 3 Mukhi Rudraksha but are facing the malefic effects of Mars. A red thread is recommended for Mangal Dosh or Mangliks who need a 3 Mukhi Rudraksha.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in Yellow Thread- This is worn by those who are facing excessive hurtful scenarios. The Yellow color signifies healing from hurt and bad scenarios. The bead when worn in yellow helps in healing from pain and agony.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha in White Thread- White is a calming element. It is used to create an environment of peace. It is for the people who deal with anger management issues.

We provide 100% original Rudraksha along with Lab certificate of authenticity from government-recognized India’s top Gemological and Rudraksha Labs. You can buy best quality Rudraksha online from Rudrakshahub.

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