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Which Test Do Law Schools Prefer: LSAT or GRE?

Law School Admission Council, Inc.
Which Test Do Law Schools Prefer: LSAT or GRE?

In 2016, the Arizona School of Law made history by being the first law school to accept GRE results instead of the LSAT. Arizona determined that the GRE was a "valid and reliable" predictor of first-term law school grades after researching the dependability of GRE scores for predicting law school success. Over 23 law schools in the United States now accept GRE results. You want to know about LSAT vs. GRE.

Is it better for law students to take the GRE or the LSAT?

The extraordinary variety and accessibility that the GRE offers are one of the key reasons it is becoming a popular choice for law schools.

Law schools may broaden their net and attract more diverse candidates by adopting the GRE as an LSAT substitute. When picking between the LSAT and the GRE, like with any application questions, your distinctive needs as a student and unique career ambitions are the most important elements to consider.

The LSAT is likely the exam for you if you have had your eye on law school for years, participated in a debate team, studied pre-law, and envisage a future in private practice or a top firm.

Otherwise, if you're still contemplating your options, try putting all your focus into the GRE and submitting your score to one of the law schools.

Comparing the LSAT and GRE exam formats

One of the significant differences between the LSAT and the GRE, as previously stated, is that the GRE is a computer-based test. In contrast, the LSAT is administered using traditional pen-and-paper methods. It improves score turnaround and caters to various learning and test-taking methods.

Now that you may have enough idea about LSAT vs. GRE.

Comparing LSAT vs, GRE sections

You might be googling, "Is the GRE or LSAT harder?" Well, it depends on how much energy you want to invest.

Six timed portions, five multiple-choice sections, and one writing section make up the LSAT exam. The test measures reasoning and analytical skills, and students have 35 minutes to complete each component.

One of the multiple-choice parts is ungraded and is used to test prospective questions for future tests. While knowing that one component will not be graded might be worrisome, students are not informed of the unscored section until after the results are received. The four graded portions are two logical reasoning (games), one analytical reasoning, and one reading comprehension. On the other hand, the LSAT is always a planned exam. Each exam session includes predetermined questions, and student performance has no bearing on how tough they are

The GRE is divided into six components:

  • Two portions of verbal reasoning
  • Two pieces of quantitative reasoning
  • Two sections of analytical writing


Now that you know the answer to "Is the GRE or LSAT harder?" it is time to connect with experts at LSAC for further inquiries.

Cameron Martin is the author of this article. To know more about "Is the GRE or LSAT harder?" please visit our website: lsac.org

Law School Admission Council, Inc.
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