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Student Loan Advice And Information

Student Loan Advice And Information

Best Student Personal Loans is Here For You 

For many students, the dream of getting a higher education just isn't possible without the financial aid of a student loan. Fortunately, there are many opportunities out there to apply for and receive a student loan. And even better, http://indiasno1finance.in is here to give you all the knowledge you need to choose the best student loan for you.

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Student loans generally come from two sources: the federal government and private financial institutions, such as banks. Both require repayment of the loan, but that's where the similarities end. Let's take a look at both federal and private student loans.

Federal student loans are sponsored by the government and account for the biggest chunk of education loans. There are three main federal loan programs: The Perkins Loan, The Stafford Loan, and The Parent Loan For Undergraduate Students, also known as PLUS.

Best Student Personal Loans is Here For You 

The Perkins Loan is the most affordable student loan, with an interest rate of 5% and low fees. But it's also the hardest to get because it's only given to those who need it the most. And the loan limit, at $4000, is the lowest of all three federal student loans.

The Stafford Loan comes with a variable interest rate that's higher than the Perkins, but lower than the PLUS Loan, due to the cap at 8.25%. As with the Perkins Loan, this student loan does not hold credit worthiness against the applicant. The Stafford Loan also has a much higher loan limit and is offered to both graduate and undergraduate students.

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Compared to the Perkins and Stafford Student Loans, which are borrowed in the students name, the PLUS Loan is completely different in that it is a loan for parents of dependent undergraduate students. A big advantage of this type of student loan is that it covers any remaining balance not covered by other forms of aid in essence the loan limit covers your entire educational expense.

Best Student Personal Loans is Here For You 

Now that we've familiarised ourselves with the different types of federal student loans, lets identify the attributes of a private student loan. This is a loan from a financial institution that takes into account your creditworthiness, not your need for aid. Your credit is reviewed by lenders and if approved, you can get a substantial size student loan in minutes, 

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sometimes up to $30,000. A downside to private student loans is that repayment terms typically cap at 15 years, compared to 30 years for a federal loan. Also, if you become disabled or deceased, your heirs are required to pay off your student loan, whereas in a federal loan, the loan is forgiven, making repayment unnecessary.

As you can see, you have several choices when it comes to student loans. Making sure you choose the best option is a matter of getting informed on these choices, and picking a student loan that best fits your needs.

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