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A Complete Guide to Heavy Duty Racking System

John J. Leonard
A Complete Guide to Heavy Duty Racking System

A heavy duty rack in Singapore system as a storage solution has become extremely popular nowadays because of its wide array of applications. With it, business operations, particularly those that are performed in storage as well as logistics facilities are done so in a more effective and efficient manner. 

It should be noted that not all racking systems that are on the market are created equal. Some can withstand prolonged use and the test of time, while others may become easily busted even with lackluster usage. 

Putting the said factors into consideration, it’s best to take note of a couple of practical factors that can help you make the most of your investment and more. Read on for details. 

Pick a heavy duty rack that’s made up of strong materials

When it comes to storing large products, the shape, thickness, and type of steel used for columns, arms, and shelf beams have a considerable impact on the performance and durability of the heavy duty rack. 

That said, it’s best to also take note of the materials that are used. In line with this, they need to be strong enough to be resistant to equipment damage that can develop from regular material handling. Here, i-beams that are hot-rolled, wide-flange, or standard-shape have enough bulk to bear heavy loads. Also, the weight of thin-gauge cold-rolled or roll-formed steel is supported by its shape. When this type of steel is damaged, it becomes compromised and may no longer be able to carry the weight it was meant to support.

In the end, the stronger the steel and other materials, the more they can aid in storage before permanent deformation takes place. Which, in turn, can compromise storage efficiency.

Go for a heavy duty rack in Singapore that come with durable hardware

It’s crucial to ensure that the arms, beams, and columns, among others are properly connected. This, to ensure that the durability of the heavy duty rack in Singapore is not compromised in any way.

This is especially true for cantilever rack systems, which allow extended materials like pipes and tubes to be stored without being impeded. Only one end of the arm is supported by a central column in the said systems. Furthermore, the type of bolts used, as well as the connections, are important. Utilizing high-performance hardware, such as the ASTM A325 bolt, can make a significant difference in the overall integrity of the rack.

For bridge and building construction, the A325 bolt is the preferred grade. It is also excellent for structural rack systems due to its large hex head and extended shank length (the unthreaded portion of the bolt body).

Make sure that the heavy duty racking system specifically designed for load-bearing

It's difficult to plan for future weights, forms, and sizes while keeping hefty coils, tools, and dies. Some things are going to span the shelf's breadth and rest on both steel support beams, while others won’t. When this is the case, it's critical to have a storage rack that can support the entire load, regardless of where the material is stored.

When storing narrow coils, for example, it's customary practice to arrange coils in the cradle's center so that they won’t be pressed against one or both shelf beams. In line with this, it’s best to go for heavy duty racking system manufacturers that can customize according to your needs, preferences, and budget. They should be able to modify the angle, width, and thickness of cradle supports to withstand the highest stress at the cradle's weakest point, the center. 

Coil cradles should also be built so that the coils are constantly resting on a level surface rather than on the cradle's edges, which can cause significant creasing or flattening.

Summing up

These are only some of the factors that you need to consider when buying a heavy duty rack in Singapore system. By making sure that they are met, you can rest assured that you can enjoy a storage system that can last for a long time without compromising efficiency, safety, and everything in between.

John J. Leonard
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