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which is the best dental clinic for braces in Hyderabad

ashok joga
which is the best dental clinic for braces in Hyderabad

When dental braces are placed, a nerve reversal is used to keep the teeth visible and dry during the procedure. The teeth are first varnished to ensure that the brackets will bond properly, after which they are air-dried.

A conditioner is used on the front surfaces of the teeth for 30 seconds to further prepare them for connecting the brackets. This is cleaned off, the teeth are dried, and a viscous coat of paint is placed on the teeth to enhance the bonding process.

Cement is placed on the back of the brace, which is then applied to the fixed positions on the teeth. Once the brackets are in place, excess cement is removed, and the brackets are established into place with a high-intensity light. The reversal is removed, and the dental arch wires are put into place.



Urs dental is one of the best dental clinics in Hyderabad. Dental braces are devices used to correct congested or crooked teeth, or a disarranged jaw, known as overbite.

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 Achieve a perfect set of teeth through dental orthopaedics treatment i.e. dental

Braces through URS Dental.

  • Crowding: The teeth may overlap each other instead of being in proper alignment.
  • Spacing: There may be large gaps between the teeth; this can compromise aesthetics as well as result in food impaction between the teeth.
  • Open bite: The upper and lower front teeth may not be aligned properly resulting in a perceptible gap between them when the patient bites. This can compromise the function and aesthetics of the individual as well as result in oral habits such as tongue thrusting and mouth breathing.
  • Poor alignment of your front teeth: The upper front teeth may show excessive proclination or may retroclined in relation to the lower front teeth. The reverse may also be true where your lower front teeth are outwardly inclined as compared to your upper front teeth. In both these cases, aesthetics and function are compromised.

  • Traumatic bite: When the upper and lower front teeth show excessive overlap such that they rub against each other or the palate when the teeth are brought together, the condition is referred to as deep or traumatic bite. In such cases, it is important to get the condition treated as soon as it is detected to avoid trauma to the teeth or the soft tissue.

ashok joga
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