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Contractors & Trades

Payeex Payment Processing
Contractors & Trades

When you’re working as a contractor, you’re always on the move from one place to another, so you will want a payment system that provides that mobility and flexibility. With our POS system & terminals at Payeex, you can use payment methods that are quick, easy to use, and functional for on-the-go transactions.

Contractors rely on us for their payment methods, as do many other different people in a number of different industries. When it comes to contractors and those working within the construction industry, we can help with a number of different varying positions in the field including:

  • Home repair services
  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • Landscapers
  • Personal Chef/Caterers
  • Painter
  • Carpenter
  • Flooring services
  • Interior designers
  • Work sites
  • Auto mechanics
  • And much more!


Multiple Network Connectivity Options – When you choose Payeex, you can buy devices to place either in your office or to use when you’re traveling from house to house. We provide people with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 4G/LTE options, making sure your transactions will work no matter where you are.

Provides Multiple Methods of Payment – These devices will open up a new way to confirm fast and easy transactions, maximizing overall customer traffic. These payment methods include EMV chip & PIN, chip & sign, magstripe, signature capture, and NFC/contactless.

Let Our Team Help

When it comes to reliable, high quality, affordable payment processing services, Payeex is where it's at. For years, our team has helped our customers get the products and services they need to make their business extremely successful and efficient. To learn more about our payment processing company, be sure to visit our website and get in touch with our team of professionals today!

Learn More: https://www.payeex.ca/industries/contractors-trades/

Payeex Payment Processing
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