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List The Major Setbacks Of Website Maintenance

Wedowebapps LTD
List The Major Setbacks Of Website Maintenance

In 2020, 1.5 billion websites are present on the web, and to your surprise, only 200 million of these are active. What has happened to the sites that went inactive, and why? 

Well, there can be many reasons for it; like the owner closed the business, never got the time to make that website live, ran out of budget, forgot to upgrade the hosting plan, left the idea of business just there, or even didn’t have time to manage. There can be a lot many silly reasons or even more worth it reasons for inactive sites. But, believe it or not, you have to devote your time and efforts, to make your website a success. There will be a lot many pitfalls in the journey of owning and working on the success of your website.

There will be technical glitches, non-technical problems, hosting issues, or some third-world issues. 

Let me list the major setbacks that will bug you and make you stay awake for the entire night, finding one silly thing where it went wrong.

  • Compatibility of themes

When you see plenty of options to get free themes as well as paid ones, you instantly consider that creating a website is extremely simple. But, believe me, it’s not a piece of cake. 

This happens to be the first and foremost issue that developers will be facing when selecting the theme for your website. If you are not in a mood of creating things from scratch and hiring resources to apply the theme of your choice and add a few vital functionalities, you can’t simply go ahead purchasing the theme. The resources of the web design company that you have hired will check for the compatibility of your chosen theme with the latest version of the framework or CMS that you are using to design your website. If the selected theme is not compatible, you will be left with no other option then checking for the right theme.

  • Plugins:

Plugins are the added functionalities to your website that will help the web design company to add features without worrying about starting things from scratch. By adding these existing ready-to-implement features, the developers can concentrate more on customizing their layout as per the theme of your website. 

However, the implementation of the plugin isn’t as easy as its addition. You have to check its compatibility with the latest version of your platform. There are no restrictions & set standards for plugin creators so that it won’t be easy on you. Majority of the plugins give basic features for free and request you to upgrade your store to claim major functionalities. You have to check with the type of features that you will need and check for the best one that offers most of them. It would be best if you were cautious while adding plugins, as it will make your site bulky and directly impact on its loading speed. 

The un-updated plugins will not go well with your website, and the frequently updated ones will leave you no choice but to upgrade. When you want to see the changes that this new implementation will bring, keep in mind that it can go wrong if your website is not compatible with those changes. That’s why, even if you have access to the backend of your store, take the assistance of your technical expert or content with resources in the web design company before updating the plugins. Check the detailed information about changes that will be coming with that update. If you will get a green signal, upgrade the said plugins added to your site. Read more..

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