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Few Common Questions related to Multiple Gestation

Dr Elsa Menezes - New Concept Clinic
Few Common Questions related to Multiple Gestation

The time when you get to know about your pregnancy is a time filled with happiness, great emotions, and feelings about almost everything around you. In some cases, people receive the news of being pregnant with twins, triplets, or multiples. The situation of multiple gestations brings much excitement, surrounded by a few concerns and many questions. 

To guide you better today, in conversation with Dr. Elsa, one of the top Obstetrics and Gynaecology Doctors in Dubai, we will answer a few of the most common questions asked by expecting women. 

  1. What causes multiple pregnancies? 

The major causes of multiple pregnancies can naturally happen in two ways. The first case happens when an egg splits post-fertilization, and the second occurs when two or more eggs are fertilized at the same time. Apart from these natural causes, the chances of developing multiple pregnancies also increase from fertility drugs and other fertility treatments like Vitro Fertilization and others. 

  1. Are there any odds of having twins? 

As per the reports, the occurrence of multiple gestations accounts for individual factors having a significant impact on the personal chances of getting pregnant with twins, triplets, or even multiples. The major factors influencing multiples or that increase the odds of having multiple gestations are your age, your family history, and medications, possibly. 

  1. What are the possible complications of multiple gestations? 

When it comes to the possibility of having early pregnancy complications or normal complications during the period, women are very terrified. As per medical experts, all pregnancy complications are common except for macrosomia and postern pregnancy. Other common complications of multiple gestations are anemia, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm labor, and others similar to this. 

  1. Is there any risk involved for the fetus? 

In multiple gestations, there are chances that one baby may grow more than the other due to competition for nutrition. The constant fight for nutrition sometimes results in the early delivery of the child because the baby is not growing well. Apart from this, there are several other risks involved to the fetus like placental problems including placental abruption, twin-twin transfusion, genetic problems, birth defects, and others. 

  1. How do multiple gestations affect labor and delivery? 

Labor in multiple gestations is said to be riskier along with the delivery method. The method of delivery depends on the positions of the babies in the uterus, estimated weight, and other factors. In general, twins and triplets are mostly born surgically. Apart from this, an attempt at vaginal delivery can take place if both the babies are head down, or if the first baby is head down and the second is smaller than the first. 

Getting pregnant with multiples is becoming more common day by day, and the treatment options are also increasing. If you are an expecting woman looking for the best care, it is advised to consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible or look for a Gynaecology Hospital in Dubai for the best care and treatment. 

Read More about Multiple Pregnancy : Twins , Triplets and other multiples 

Dr Elsa Menezes - New Concept Clinic
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