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Emergency Electrical contractors Guildford

Sunil Kashiara

When you see a problem or realize that your home needs electrical maintenance, it is critical to contact SK Electrical Works - a trained and highly skilled electrician in Guildford. Only a licensed electrician has the experience to provide electrical services while adhering to all regulations and standards.

While this may seem self-evident, far too many people try household electrical repairs. This is extremely dangerous and risky since electricity is immediately dangerous and must be handled with care and respect, and only an electrician has completed the appropriate training to safely and confidently handle electricity.

We must consider the fact that electrical work is more sophisticated than ever in this day and age. Lighting and power to our appliances aren't the only things we need. From computers and theatre systems to automated services and security systems, our houses are packed with complicated electrical systems and components. As a result of this complication, excellent electrical services are even more important.

Qualified electrical contractors Guildford specializes in electrical services, electrical installation, electrical wiring, house rewires electrical repairs, electrical inspection, and testing headquartered near the slough. We are an NICEIC-approved electrical contractor, and all of our work is verified for Part P compliance.

Electrical Services:

- New Electrical Wiring

- Full or Partial House Rewire

- Fault Finding

- Electrical Repair

- Lights, Sockets, and Switches

- Electric Shower Installation

- Electric Cooker / Oven Replacement

- Consumer Unit Upgrade

- Fuse Box Replacement

- Security and Garden Lights

- Conservatory Wiring

- Loft Conversion Wiring

- Contract Maintenance

- Emergency Lighting

- Fire Alarm Systems

- Lighting Design

Electrical Testing & Inspection:

- Electrical Installation Condition Report (ECIR)

- Electrical Installation Periodic Inspection Report (PIR)

- Electrical Safety Certificate

- Visual Condition Report

Sunil Kashiara
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