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For outdoor chair Visit us

Mity Home
For outdoor chair Visit us

MITY was founded in 2017 by MIKE and IFTY. Various small projects between long time friends from different continents and backgrounds. They discussed ideas regularly before entering the home furniture market. IFTY and Mike saw a market opportunity and launched Mighty with the goal of marketing and selling one product chair , outdoor chair , by carefully analyzing internet search patterns and results. His expectations far exceeded the response. Demand grew as the product line grew. What is fast becoming the go-to destination for affordable, unique and trendy furniture. The business model ideas were simple: value quality and sell at the most competitive price.

We live in an era where media provides an excellent opportunity for creators to generate additional revenue and reach new and growing customers. We enable our suppliers to successfully harness this development by working closely with them to protect and promote their brands, facilitating smooth logistics and flow of communication. We value flexibility and customize our approach to meet the unique needs of our suppliers. All our furniture is procured directly from the manufacturers, we take the necessary steps to visit factories and value the designs, colors and materials we use. We hope you like your new furniture, but if it does not meet your expectations, please call us within 5 days of delivery to receive a refund. Please repack and secure in original packaging; we will only accept unused returns. At your earliest convenience, we'll arrange for a pickup.

Before we send your furniture to you, our quality staff inspects it to ensure that it meets our high standards, so damage is uncommon. It's also critical that you verify your goods when it arrives, since we'll need you to sign a document stating that it seemed to be in excellent condition when you got it. If you aren't satisfied with the items after inspecting them, please notify our delivery partner or make a remark on the form and contact us. Visit our websites online at https://www.mityhome.com

Mity Home
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