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QA Automation Course

Syntax Technologies
QA Automation Course

A QA Automation Course helps you to develop skills for the continuous development, testing and deployment of software products, multiple times a day, rather than in stages as was common under the traditional mode of testing. Given the relative advantage of this medium of Software Testing, individuals completing a QA Automation Course are definitely in high demand. Learn the fundamentals of Automation Testing with Syntax Technologies as a part of their SDET training curriculum. These individuals perform the crucial responsibility of supervising the different stages of the Software Development process, in order to ensure the quality of the software. QA Engineer Course is important in terms of helping professionals become skilled in informing developers of issues in the code. Learn the art of writing as well as testing codes with the SDET Training course from Syntax Technologies. A QA Tester Course equips individuals with the necessary skills for developing test plans for testing software products, debugging code as well as for improving the usability of software programs. The curriculum of a QA Tester Course is carefully crafted in order to help aspirants in acquiring competencies of executing test scripts as well as documenting and reporting technical issues. 

Our curriculum is intense, and we require our students to be dedicated to be able to be successful IT professionals. However, we understand that not everyone can commit to this dedication. Therefore we allow students to get a full refund within the first 30 days.

  • Syntax provides tailored programs for in-demand skills in the IT industry. We are a student-focused bootcamp that goes beyond preparing the students for their new IT career, teaching them new skills, and supporting them in the job market.
  • Syntax provides state-of-the-art facilities and learning systems for both in-class and online students, designed by education experts and hence the best sdet course (Software development engineer in test training course) you can opt for.

Syntax Technologies
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