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4 Tips to Encourage Kids to Be More Active in Their Tuition Centre in Singapore

LK Academy
4 Tips to Encourage Kids to Be More Active in Their Tuition Centre in Singapore

Sending your children to a tuition centre in Singapore has its benefits. Whatever class you enrol them in, be it math, science, or English, these facilities can provide them with the necessary aid to improve or maintain their performance in school. If you notice a lack of motivation in your kids, here are four tips to encourage them to learn and participate in class. Continue reading this article to know more.

1. Establish Open Communication

The first step in determining how to encourage your children to participate in their, for example, secondary English tuition classes in Singapore is to establish clear and open communication between you and them. Make them comfortable to share their struggles and achievements. It doesn’t matter what they tell you. It is more important that they feel you are trustworthy enough to share their interests, concerns, and struggles.

2. Give Them Control

Next, try to let your kids take control in certain matters regarding their education. For example, instead of choosing what time they should take their primary science tuition classes in Singapore, consider talking with them and letting them have an input in the decision-making process.

3. Hire a Tutor Who Works Well With Kids

While tutors may have the necessary credentials and skills to teach students, not all have the crucial traits to handle kids. Unlike teenagers or adults, children tend to be more difficult. Their instructor would need plenty of patience during a primary math tuition class in Singapore. Therefore, consider inquiring about the tutor's background and see if they have adequate experience handling children.

4. Consider Their Schedule

Since your children will still be attending their regular classes, you must consider this factor in deciding when to schedule their, for example, secondary maths tuition class in Singapore. As much as possible, ask about their preferences. Avoid surprising them with sudden tutoring sessions as it might not end with satisfactory results.

If you are searching for a tuition centre in Singapore, check out LK Academy and learn more about their primary and secondary tutoring classes. Once you notice your children experiencing a lack of motivation, remember to follow the four tips tackled in this article.

LK Academy
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